
Enkeltemne ph.d.

Emnet introduserer teorier for å forstå profesjoner: en type yrker som skal bruke sin sertifiserte kunnskap for å utføre samfunnsnyttige tjenester (f.eks. leger, sykepleiere, lærere, politi, advokater og sosionomer).

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Dette emnet er primært for studenter som er tatt opp i et ph.d.-program. Ved ledige plasser er emnet åpent for andre interesserte med relevant hovedfag eller mastergrad (120 ECTS).

Våren 2025

Emnet er under revidering; og vil tilbys på nytt våren 2025.

Ta kontakt med administrasjonen dersom du ønsker å bli varslet når opptaket åpner.


Totalt: ca. 1200 sider.


  • Abbott, A. (1988) The System of Professions. An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. s. 1-113
  • Freidson, E. (2001) Professionalism. The Third Logic. Cambridge: Polity Press. s. 17-35, 83-104.
  • Susskind, R. and Susskind, D. (2015) The future of professions:  How technology will transform the work of human experts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 1–5, 188–228
  • Profesjonsstudier (2008) Red. A. Molander/L I Terum. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
    • Grimen, H. og Molander, A. Profesjon og skjønn.
    • Gule, L. Profesjon og flerkulturalitet. 
    • Slagstad, R. Profesjoner og kunnskapsregimer
    • Stichweh, R. Profesjoner i systemteoretisk perspektiv
    • Torsvik, G. Profesjoner i økonomisk-teoretisk perspektiv.  
  • Profesjonsstudier II. Red. A. Molander & J.-C. Smeby. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
    • Kirkebøen, G. Kan vi stole på fagfolks skjønn? s. 27-43. 
    • Molander, A. Profesjonelt skjønn i velferdsstaten: mekanismer for ansvarliggjøring, s. 44-54.
    • Smeby, J.-C. Profesjon og ekspertise, s. 17-26. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


  1. Akerlof, G.A. (1970). Markets for Lemons. Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. Quarterly Journal of Economics 84, 3, s. 488-500.
  2. Biddle, J.B, «On Predicting Recidivism: Epistemic Risk, Tradeoffs, and Values in Machine Learning». Canadian Journal of Philosophy (2020), 1–21
  3. Browne, I. and Misra, J (2003). “The intersection of gender and race in the labor market”. Annual Review of Sociology 29:487-513
  4. Buchanan, Allen (1988). “Principal/Agent Theory and Decision Making in Health Care”. Bioethics, Vol. 2, 1.
  5. Burrage, M. (1993) From practice to school-based professional education: patterns of conflict accommodation in England, France, and the United States. I: S. Rothblatt & B. Wittrock (Eds.), The European and American university since 1800, s. 142-187. Cambridge: Cambridge: University Press.
  6. Crossley, N. (2014): Social class. Pp. 85–97 in Pierre Bourdieu: Key Concepts, edited by Michael Grenfell. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.
  7. Danaher, J. (2016). The threat of algocracy: reality, resistance and accommodation. Philosophy & Technology, 29(3), 245-268.
  8. Davies, M. (1991): “Thinking like an Engineer: The Place of a Code of Ethics in the Practice of a Profession”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 20. No 2, s. 150-167.
  9. Dzur, A. W. (2004) Democratic Professionalism: Sharing Authority in Civic Life.  Good Society, Vol. 13, No. 1.
  10. England, P. (2010). The gender revolution: Uneven and stalled. Gender & Society, 24(2), 149-166. doi:10.1177/0891243210361475
  11. Evetts, J. (2011). A new professionalism? Challenges and opportunities. Current sociology59(4), 406-422
  12. Fenwick, T., Nerland, M. & Jensen, K. (2012) Sociomaterial approaches to conceptualising professional learning and practice, Journal of Education and Work, 25:1, 1-13.
  13. Frankel, M. S. (1989): “Professional Codes: Why, How, and with What Impact?  Journal of Business Ethics 8, s. 109-115.
  14. Fraser, N. (1989) Talking about Needs: Interpretive Contests as Political Conflicts in Welfare-State Societies.  Ethics, Vol. 99
  15. Gilje, N. Profesjonskunnskapens elementære former (2017). I: Mausethagen, S. og Smeby, J.C. (red.), Kvalifisering til profesjonell yrkesutøvelse. Universitetsforlaget: Oslo
  16. Goldthorpe, J.H. (2000): Social Class and the Differentiation of Employment Contracts. In Goldthorpe, John H. (2000): On Sociology. Numbers, Narratives, and the Integration of Research and Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 206-229.
  17. Goodin, R. E. (1986) Welfare, Rights and Discretion.  Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 6, No. 2. s. 232-261.
  18. Grusky, D.B. & Weeden, K. (2001): “Decomposing Without Death: A Research Agenda for a New Class Analysis”, i Acta Sociologica, 44:203-218.
  19. Gullvåg, I. (1990). Rasjonalitet, forståelse og forklaring. 2. utgave. Tapir: Trondheim, kap 2.: “Rasjonell beslutning og handling”
  20. Habermas, J. (1995) Handlingsrationalitetens aspekter. I: Jürgen Habermas, Kommunikativt handlande. Texter om språk, rationalitet och samhälle. Red. Anders Molander. Andra upplagan. Göteborg: Daidalos. s. 83-110.
  21. Kleiner, M. 2000. “Occupational Licensing.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 14, no. 4, 189-202.
  22. Kocka, J, (1990) ‘Bürgertum’ and professions in the nineteenth century: two alternative approaches. Professions in theory and history. Ed. M. Burrage/R. Torstendahl. s. 62-74. London: Sage.
  23. Larson, M. S. (1977) The Rise of Professionalism, Berkley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. s. 40-52.
  24. LeGrand, J. (2010) Knights and knaves return: public service motivation and the delivery of public services.  International public management journal, 13 (1). s. 56-71.
  25. Lipsky, M. (1977) Toward a Theory of Street-Level Bureaucracy. Hawley, W and Lipsky, M (eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Urban Politics, Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall. s. 196-213.
  26. Murphy, R. (1988) An Introduction to the Theory of Closure, i: Murphy, Social Closure: The Theory of Monopolization and Exclusion, Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1–14. (14 s.)
  27. Osborne, S. P. (2006). The new public governance? Public Management Review, vol 8, iss 3, 377-387
  28. Parsons, T, (1951) “Social Structure and Dynamic Process: The Case of Modern Medical Practice”, kap. 10 i The Social System, London: Routledge. s. 428-479.
  29. Parsons, T, (1978) “Research with Human Subjects and the ‘Professional Complex’”, i Parsons, Action Theory and the Human Condition, New York: The Free Press. s. 35-50
  30. Reay, T., & Hinings, C. R. (2009). Managing the Rivalry of Competing Institutional Logics. Organization Studies, 30(6), 629-652.
  31. Reay, T., Goodrick, E., Waldorff, S. B., & Casebeer, A. (2017). Getting leopards to change their spots: Co-creating a new professional role identity. Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), 1043-1070.
  32. Ridgeway, C. L., & Correll, S. J. (2004). Unpacking the gender system a theoretical perspective on gender beliefs and social relations. Gender & Society, 18(4), 510-531.
  33. Schön, D. A. (1987) Teaching Artistry Through Reflection-in-Action, i: Educating the reflective practitioner (kap. 2) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  34. Siegrist, H. (1990) Professionalization as a process: patterns, progression and discontinuity.  Professions in theory and history. Ed. Burrage/Torstendahl. London: Sage.
  35. Suddaby, Roy, and Thierry Viale. "Professionals and field-level change: Institutional work and the professional project." Current Sociology 59.4 (2011): 423-442.

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