Norwegian version
Axel Wolf

Axel Wolf


Professor, Senior consultant Anesthesia/Intensive care (CRNA) and Affiliated researcher at the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC). My research taps on different aspects of person-centred care, such as exploring the organizational aspects of implementing PCC, innovations of PCC products/services as well as evaluation of complex interventions. A recent research area is sharing economies, value-based healthcare and strategic change management. My clinical research in Anesthesia is found within pain management and opioid-free anaesthesia. I am A affiliated researcher at the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC). I lead the Gothenburg Care Lab ( together with Associate professor/MD Paulin Andrell. I am the chair of the European committee in charge of developing a standard of patient involvement in healthcare.

I have been the operative project leader for several national projects for the development of several strategic platforms for implementation and research regarding PCC within the healthcare sector.

Scientific publications

Angelini, Eva; Wolf, Axel ; Wijk, Helle; Brisby, Helena; Baranto, Adad (2024). Evaluating a targeted person-centred pain management intervention programme in lumbar spine surgery - a controlled segment-specific before-and-after interventional design. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 24.

Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin Linqvist; Wolf, Axel ; Nilsson, Ulrica G* (2024). Patient-Centerdness in the Perioperative Period—A Rapid Review of Current Research. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing.

Piasecki, Adam; Ögren, Cecilia; Thörn, Sven-Egron; Olausson, Alexander; Svensson, Carl Johan; Platon, Birgitta; Wolf, Axel ; Andréll, Paulin (2023). High-frequency, high-intensity transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation compared with opioids for pain relief after gynecological surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. Vol. 24.

HamdanAlshehri, Hanan; Sawatzky, Richard; Öhlén, Joakim; Wolf, Axel ; Olausson, Sepideh (2023). Attitudes towards death and dying among intensive care professionals: A cross-sectional design evaluating culture-related differential item functioning of the frommelt attitudes toward care of the dying instrument. Heliyon. Vol. 9.

Jungestrand, Linda; Holm, Emma; Rose, Louise; Wolf, Axel ; Ringdal, Mona (2022). Family member perspectives on intensive care unit in-person visiting restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing.

Siira, Elin; Wolf, Axel (2022). Are digital citizen panels an innovative, deliberative approach to cardiovascular research?. 4 p. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Vol. 21.

Lydahl, Doris; Britten, Nicky; Wolf, Axel ; Naldemirci, Öncel; Lloyd, Helen; Heckemann, Birgit (2022). Exploring documentation in Person-centred care: A content analysis of care plans. International Journal of Older People Nursing.

Siira, Elin; Olaya-Contreras, Patricia; Yndigegn, Signe; Wijk, Helle; Rolandsson, Bertil; Wolf, Axel (2021). Older adults’ provision of informal care and support to their peers – A cornerstone of swedish society: Demographic characteristics and experiences of social isolation. 13 p. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

Olausson, Alexander; Svensson, Carl Johan; Andréll, Paulin; Jildenstål, Pether; Thörn, Sven-Egron; Wolf, Axel (2021). Total opioid-free general anaesthesia can improve postoperative outcomes after surgery, without evidence of adverse effects on patient safety and pain management: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. Vol. 66.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete