Publications and research
Scientific publications
Vedeler, Gørill Warvik
; Saus, Merete; Wara, Tatiana; Sollid, Hilde; Strandbu, Astrid
Practices of Living Well Among Youth in an Arctic Region.
Reimer, Kristin Elaine; Kaukko, Mervi; windsor, sally; Kemmis, Stephen; Mahon, Kathleen (Ed.).
Living Well in a World Worth Living in for All.
Volume 2: Enacting Praxis for a Just and Sustainable Future. p. 133-149.
Hatlevik, Ida Katrine Riksaasen
; Eriksen, Tone Malmstedt; Hunskaar, Tove Seiness; Steele, Annfrid Rosøy; Unhjem, Astrid;
Vedeler, Gørill Warvik
Transformative partnerships with university schools.
Hatlevik, Ida Katrine Riksaasen; Jakhelln, Rachel Elise; Jorde, Doris (Ed.).
Transforming University-based Teacher Education through Innovation A Norwegian Response to Research Literacy, Integration and Technology. p. 155-169.
Vedeler, Gørill Warvik
; Strandbu, Astrid
Skole–hjem-samarbeid i videregående skole: autonomistøtte i elevenes dannings- og utdanningsprosess.
18 p.
Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis.
Vol. 17.
Whatman, Susan; Wilkinson, Jane; Kaukko, Mervi;
Vedeler, Gørill Warvik
; Blue, Levon Ellen; Reimer, Kristin Elaine
Researching Practices Across and Within Diverse Educational Sites: Onto-epistemological Considerations.
ISBN: 978-1-80071-871-5.
172 p.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Whatman, Susan; Blue, Levon Ellen; Kaukko, Mervi; Vedeler, Gørill Warvik ; Wilkinson, Jane; Reimer, Kristin Elaine (2023). Onto-epistemological and Axiological Considerations for Researching Practices. Whatman, Susan; Wilkinson, Jane; Kaukko, Mervi; Vedeler, Gørill Warvik; Blue, Levon Ellen; Reimer, Kristin Elaine (Ed.). Researching Practices Across and Within Diverse Educational Sites: Onto-epistemological Considerations. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Vedeler, Gørill Warvik
; Reimer, Kristin Elaine
Facilitating Dialogues of Discovery.
Whatman, Susan; Wilkinson, Jane; Kaukko, Mervi; Vedeler, Gørill Warvik; Blue, Levon Ellen; Reimer, Kristin Elaine (Ed.).
Researching Practices Across and Within Diverse Educational Sites: Onto-epistemological Considerations.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Saus, Merete;
Vedeler, Gørill Warvik
; Wara, Tatiana
Fortellinger om «en verden verdt å leve i»: om det grønne og det blå skiftet i ungdoms bærekraftengasjement.
15 p.
Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning (NTU).
Vol. 3.
Vedeler, Gørill Warvik ; Strandbu, Astrid (2021). Teoretisere skole–hjem-samarbeid. Aspfors, Jessica; Jakhelln, Rachel Elise; Sjølie, Ela (Ed.). Å analysere og endre praksis - teorien om praksisarkitekturer. p. 126-141. Universitetsforlaget.
Vedeler, Gørill Warvik
Practising school-home collaboration in upper secondary schools: to solve problems or to promote adolescents’ autonomy?.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society.
Vedeler, Gørill Warvik
Collaborative Autonomy–Support–A Pivotal Approach in the Legislation Regulating School–Home Collaboration in Norwegian Upper Secondary Schools.
15 p.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.