Norwegian version
Gro Markeset

Gro Markeset


Teaching, supervision and research within concrete durability, service life and rehabilitation of concrete structures

Fields of study

Subject areas

Structural analysis   Fracture mechanics   Concrete   Concrete structures   Durability and service life   Reinforcement corrosion

Scientific publications

Osmolska, Magdalena Jadwiga; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max; Markeset, Gro (2022). Numerical investigation into the effects of corrosion on the shear performance of pretensioned bridge girders with cast-in-place slabs. 22 p. Structures. Vol. 46.

Kongshaug, Simen Sørgaard; Hendriks, Max; Kanstad, Terje; Markeset, Gro (2022). Toward identifying the ASR-induced stresses from displacement measurements and crack observations—Demonstration on a beam bridge in Norway. 19 p. Engineering structures. Vol. 263.

Sigvaldsen, Marie; Ersdal, Gerhard; Markeset, Gro ; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Langeteig, Magne (2021). Capacity of Concrete Structures with Corroded Reinforcement and Prestressing Tendons. 16 p. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 1201.

Kongshaug, Simen Sørgaard; Larssen, Rolf Magne; Hendriks, Max; Kanstad, Terje; Markeset, Gro (2021). Load effects in reinforced concrete beam bridges affected by alkali–silica reaction—Constitutive modelling including expansion, cracking, creep and crushing. 16 p. Engineering structures. Vol. 245.

Osmolska, Magdalena Jadwiga; Hornbostel, Karla; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max; Markeset, Gro (2020). Inspection and assessment of corrosion in pretensioned concrete bridge girders exposed to coastal climate. Infrastructures. Vol. 5.

Kongshaug, Simen Sørgaard; Oseland, Oddbjørn Wathne; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max; Rodum, Eva; Markeset, Gro (2020). Experimental investigation of ASR-affected concrete – The influence of uniaxial loading on the evolution of mechanical properties, expansion and damage indices. 15 p. Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 245.

Paciorek, Magdalena Jadwiga; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max; Hornbostel, Karla; Markeset, Gro (2019). Durability of pretensioned concrete girders in coastal climate bridges: Basis for better maintenance and future design. Structural Concrete. Vol. 20.

Plevris, Vagelis ; Markeset, Gro (2018). Educational Challenges in Computer-based Finite Element Analysis and Design of structures. Journal of Computer Science. Vol. 14.

Li, Jiabin; Markeset, Gro ; Kioumarsi, Mahdi (2017). Nonlinear FEM Simulation of Structural Performance of Corroded RC Columns subjected to Axial Compression. Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. 57.

Plevris, Vagelis ; Bakas, Nikos; Markeset, Gro ; Bellos, John (2017). Literature review of masonry structures under earthquake excitation utilizing machine learning algorithms. Papadrakakis, Manolis; Fragiadakis, Michalis (Ed.). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2017). p. 2685-2694. European Community on Computional Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS).

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete