Norwegian version
Heidi Dahlsveen

Heidi Dahlsveen


Mimesis Heidi Dahlsveen has worked as a storyteller since 1996 both at national and abroad. She has participated in several festivals and in two EU projects that deal with oral storytelling. She is associate professor in oral storytelling and in 2008 she published the book "Introduction to oral storytelling", Universitetsforlaget. In 2019 she came with her second book on oral storytelling. She has written several academic articles on oral storytelling, where she uses artistic research as an input to understand oral storytelling and narratives. Her focus is using the traditional narratives to shed light on contemporary themes. She is currently participating in her third EU project: Common ground, common future - a project that looks at how narratives are used to stigmatize and polarize and how narrative are used in conflicts. She is a member of the research group «Art in society» and co-owner of Skaldskur AS.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Folklore studies   Humanities   Literature   Theatre studies

Subject areas

Narratives   Storytelling   Folktales   Storyteller   Storyteller   Oral   Oral tradition   Performance

Scientific publications

Dahlsveen, Mimesis Heidi (2023). TO REMEMBER IS A RISK OF FORGETTING – MIMESIS AND CHRONOTOPE IN ARTISTIC PROCESS. Culture crossroads. Vol. 22.

Kvellestad, Randi Veiteberg ; Dahlsveen, Mimesis Heidi ; Bryhn, Anne (2023). Coming together - extended artistic dialog. 12 p. Journals of the Latvian Academy of Culture. Vol. 22.

Dahlsveen, Heidi (2023). Mimesis i digital praksis. Bjørnstad, Gunhild Brænne; Ellinggard, Stine (Ed.). Performative innganger til undervisning - perspektiver på skapende læring med tverrfaglige tema. Universitetsforlaget.

Dahlsveen, Mimesis Heidi (2022). Hjemmet i lys av kronotopen – et sted for forflytning fra fysisk til digital praksis. DRAMA : Nordisk dramapedagogisk tidsskrift. Vol. 2.

Dahlsveen, Heidi (2022). Å fortelle for barn. Haugen, Torgeir (Ed.). Overindividuelle kulturformer. Tradisjon og erfaring for barn og unge i individualismens tidsalder. p. 225-239. Solum.

Dahlsveen, Heidi ; Lyngstad, Mette Bøe (2022). En kollektiv fortellerutforskning av et folkeeventyr. Haugen, Torgeir (Ed.). Overindividuelle kulturformer. Tradisjon og erfaring for barn og unge i individualismens tidsalder. p. 289-315. Solum.

Dahlsveen, Mimesis Heidi ; Aure, Venke (2022). The Third Site: Blending Polyphonic Methodology and Epistemology. Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R). Vol. 11.

Dahlsveen, Heidi (2019). Den norske eventyrstilen. DRAMA : Nordisk dramapedagogisk tidsskrift.

Dahlsveen, Heidi (2019). Hva er meningen? – Momenter av nærvær i et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid. InFormation - Nordic Journal of Art and Research. Vol. 8.

Aure, Venke ; Dahlsveen, Heidi (2018). The Kiss - Utterance surrounding the utterance within. Journal for Artistic Research (JAR).

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete