Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Sociology Other subjects within cultural studies Education Humanities Cultural studies
Subject areas
Theory of Science Epistemology Didactics Research method Art Didactics Curriculum theory
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Dahlsveen, Mimesis Heidi
Aure, Venke
The Third Site: Blending Polyphonic Methodology
and Epistemology.
Nordic Journal of Art & Research (A & R).
Vol. 11.
Christensen-Scheel, Boel; Bergaust, Kristin ; Aure, Venke ; Alman-Kaas, Idunn Yr (2022). Responsible Tech-Futures: Female Artists as Semantically Sustainable Tech Developers. Skjerven, Astrid; Fordham, Maureen (Ed.). Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals. p. 127-143. Routledge.
Aure, Venke
; Fredriksen, Biljana Culibrk
Crafting Stories with Birds’ Crafting: An Eco-Ethical Mixed
Fredriksen, Biljana Culibrk; Groth, Camilla (Ed.).
Expanding Environmental Awareness in Education Through the Arts
Crafting-with the Environment. p. 141-156.
Springer Nature.
Aure, Venke (2020). Exploring Eco-social Art Strategies to Expand Onto-epistemological and Methodological Positions in Qualitative Research. Bergaust, Kristin; Smite, Rasa; Silina, Daina (Ed.). Oslofjord Ecologies. Artistic Research on Environmental and Social Sustinability.. p. 135-153. Acoustic Space.
Aure, Venke ; Dahlsveen, Heidi (2018). The Kiss - Utterance surrounding the utterance within. Journal for Artistic Research (JAR).
Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens ; Aure, Venke (2016). Kjønn som væren: hvordan kan iscenesatte kunstuttrykk bidra til forståelse av kjønnet eksistens?. DRAMA : Nordisk dramapedagogisk tidsskrift. Vol. 3.
Aure, Venke ; Bergaust, Kristin (2015). Estetisk praksis og samfunn - tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin (Ed.). Estetikk og samfunn. Tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. p. 7-33. Fagbokforlaget.
Aure, Venke ; Bergaust, Kristin (2015). Estetikk og samfunn. Tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. ISBN: 978-82-321-0418-5. 290 p. Fagbokforlaget.
Aure, Venke
Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens
Kunstdidaktikkens møte med marginale røster.
17 p.
InFormation - Nordic Journal of Art and Research.
Vol. 4.
Aure, Venke (2015). The epistemology of the gaze and photographic essays. A basis for understanding visual representations of a city. Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin (Ed.). Estetikk og samfunn. Tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. p. 117-138. Fagbokforlaget.