Norwegian version
Venke Aure

Venke Aure

Fields of study

Academic disciplines


Subject areas

Theory of Science   Epistemology   Didactics   Research method   Art Didactics   Curriculum theory

Scientific publications

Aure, Venke ; Fredriksen, Biljana Culibrk (2022). Crafting Stories with Birds’ Crafting: An Eco-Ethical Mixed Methodology. Fredriksen, Biljana Culibrk; Groth, Camilla (Ed.). Expanding Environmental Awareness in Education Through the Arts Crafting-with the Environment. p. 141-156. Springer Nature.

Dahlsveen, Mimesis Heidi ; Aure, Venke (2022). The Third Site: Blending Polyphonic Methodology and Epistemology. Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R). Vol. 11.

Christensen-Scheel, Boel; Bergaust, Kristin ; Aure, Venke ; Alman-Kaas, Idunn Yr (2022). Responsible Tech-Futures: Female Artists as Semantically Sustainable Tech Developers. Skjerven, Astrid; Fordham, Maureen (Ed.). Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals. p. 127-143. Routledge.

Aure, Venke (2020). Exploring Eco-social Art Strategies to Expand Onto-epistemological and Methodological Positions in Qualitative Research. Bergaust, Kristin; Smite, Rasa; Silina, Daina (Ed.). Oslofjord Ecologies. Artistic Research on Environmental and Social Sustinability.. p. 135-153. Acoustic Space.

Aure, Venke ; Dahlsveen, Heidi (2018). The Kiss - Utterance surrounding the utterance within. Journal for Artistic Research (JAR).

Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens ; Aure, Venke (2016). Kjønn som væren: hvordan kan iscenesatte kunstuttrykk bidra til forståelse av kjønnet eksistens?. DRAMA : Nordisk dramapedagogisk tidsskrift. Vol. 3.

Aure, Venke (2015). The epistemology of the gaze and photographic essays. A basis for understanding visual representations of a city. Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin (Ed.). Estetikk og samfunn. Tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. p. 117-138. Fagbokforlaget.

Aure, Venke ; Bergaust, Kristin (2015). Estetikk og samfunn. Tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. ISBN: 978-82-321-0418-5. 290 p. Fagbokforlaget.

Aure, Venke ; Bergaust, Kristin (2015). Estetisk praksis og samfunn - tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin (Ed.). Estetikk og samfunn. Tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. p. 7-33. Fagbokforlaget.

Aure, Venke ; Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens (2015). Kunstdidaktikkens møte med marginale røster. 17 p. InFormation - Nordic Journal of Art and Research. Vol. 4.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete