Norwegian version
Kristin Bergaust

Kristin Bergaust


Professor Kristin Bergaust is educated at the National Academy of Fine Art and holds a university degree in literature and languages. Her artistic practice includes gallery presentations as well as social, performative projects and interdisciplinary collaborations. Research interests are among others art and technology in ecological and social coontexts. She works with digital media such as video, animation and sound. She was the director of Atelier Nord where she developed a media lab for artists and organized and curated numerous media art projects since the 1990ties. From 2001 to 2007 she was head of Intermedia at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, NTNU. Bergaust was a board member of the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme from 2002 to 2008. Since 2008 Bergaust has been a professor at OsloMet Institute of Art, Design and Drama, From 2015-2017 she was visiting professor at University of Agder.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Humanities   Sociology   Education   Information and communication technology

Subject areas

Digital art   Video-art   Media-art   Contemporary art   Relational aesthetics   Fjord ecology

Research projects

Completed research projects

  • FeLT- Futures of Living Technologies

    From a perspective of ecological crisis, FeLT engages in the relations and intersections that occur between human beings, living environments and machines.

Scientific publications

Bergaust, Kristin (2023). MS Innvik: A Ship with a View – Culture is who we are. 10 p. Nordic Journal of Art & Research (A & R). Vol. 12.

Tapio, Hege ; Nichele, Stefano ; Bergaust, Kristin ; Christensen-Scheel, Boel (2022). Artists Encoding New Meanings through BioArt and Unconventional Computing. Adamatzky, Andrew (Ed.). WSPC Book Series in Unconventional Computing: Volume 2 Unconventional Computing, Arts, Philosophy. p. 381-395. World Scientific.

Christensen-Scheel, Boel; Bergaust, Kristin ; Aure, Venke ; Alman-Kaas, Idunn Yr (2022). Responsible Tech-Futures: Female Artists as Semantically Sustainable Tech Developers. Skjerven, Astrid; Fordham, Maureen (Ed.). Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals. p. 127-143. Routledge.

Bergaust, Kristin (2020). How to Set the Table for Collaborations: Artistic Sensibilities and Methods. Acoustic Space.

Bergaust, Kristin ; Smite, Rasa; Silina, Daina (2020). Oslofjord Ecologies. Artistic Research on Environmental and Social Sustinability. ISBN: 978-9934-8434-8-8. Acoustic Space. Vol. 18.

Bergaust, Kristin ; Nichele, Stefano (2019). "FeLT- The Futures of Living Technologies". Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC).

Roen, Haakon Haraldsen; Varankian, Vako; Nichele, Stefano ; Bergaust, Kristin (2019). Gathering of the Hive: Investigating the clustering behaviour of honeybees through art and swarm robotics. Fellermann, Harold; Bacardit, Jaume; Goni-Moreno, Angel; Fuchslin, Rudolf (Ed.). ALIFE 2019: Proceedings of the 2019 Artificial Life Conference. p. 505-506. MIT Press.

Muukka-Marjovuo,, Alma; Kaihovirta, Hannah; Vitola,, Ilze; Bergaust, Kristin ; Hlíf Kjartansdóttir, Skúlína; Tuivonen, Taneli (2015). The Method Desktop: A boundary for collaborative creative activities. Göthlund, Anette; Illeris, Helene; Thrane, Kirstine Jo (Ed.). Edge : 20 essays on contemporary art education. p. 80-90. Multivers.

Bergaust, Kristin (2015). Interactivity meets participation - a retrospective in early media art. Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin (Ed.). Estetikk og samfunn. Tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. p. 253-275. Fagbokforlaget.

Aure, Venke ; Bergaust, Kristin (2015). Estetisk praksis og samfunn - tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. Aure, Venke; Bergaust, Kristin (Ed.). Estetikk og samfunn. Tekster mellom samtidskunst og kunstdidaktikk. p. 7-33. Fagbokforlaget.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete