- I am professor in environmental Sciences and focuses on aquatic ecosystems and climate change, in particula the role of oceanic currents on heat transport and global warming. I also work in macroeconomy and study how, when and why economic actors "play" as they do. Tax policy, inflation and interest rate setting by central banks are particular interest issues.
- Often I use a method that is called the high resolution lead-lag (HRLL) method. It contribute to the understanding of cause and effects, and is particular useful when cause and effects change roles, which oceanic currents and economic actors often do.
- I also work with issues related to art: what are the emotions people express in the meeting with paintings and architecture?
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Economics Social sciences Mathematics and natural scienses Econometrics Zoology and botany Agriculture and fisheries science
Subject areas
Ecology Numeric modelling Macroeconomics
Administrative field of work
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Seip, Knut Lehre
Zhang, Dan
Scoring Six Detrending Methods on Timing, Lead-Lag Relations, and Cycle Periods: An Empirical Study of US and UK Recessions 1977–2020.
Computational Economics.
Seip, Knut Lehre ; Sandnes, Frode Eika (2024). The Timing and Strength of Inequality Concerns in the UK Public Debate: Google Trends, Elections and the Macroeconomy. Clementi, Fabio (Ed.). Income Distribution, Inequality and Poverty Evidence, Explanations and Policies. MDPI.
Seip, Knut Lehre
Sandnes, Frode Eika
The Timing and Strength of Inequality Concerns in the UK Public Debate: Google Trends, Elections and the Macroeconomy.
17 p.
Vol. 12.
Orsi, Renzo;
Seip, Knut Lehre
Do Increased Tax Base and Reductions in the Underground Economy Compensate for Lost Tax Revenue Following a Tax Reduction Policy? Evidence from Italy 1982 to 2006.
Vol. 11.
Seip, Knut Lehre
; Grøn, Øyvind Geelmuyden; Wang, Hui
Global lead-lag changes between climate variability series coincide with major phase shifts in the Pacific decadal oscillation.
12 p.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
Vol. 154.
Seip, Knut Lehre
; Wang, Hui
High-Resolution Lead–Lag Relations Between Barents Sea Temperatures, the AMOC and the AMO During 1971–2018.
Seip, Knut Lehre
; Wang, Hui
Maximum Northern Hemisphere warming rates before and after 1880 during the Common Era.
12 p.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
Vol. 152.
Seip, Knut Lehre
; Wang, Hui
The North Atlantic Oscillations: Lead–Lag Relations for the NAO, the AMO, and the AMOC. A High-Resolution Lead–Lag Analysis.
19 p.
Vol. 10.
Seip, Knut Lehre
Zhang, Dan
A High-Resolution Lead-Lag Analysis of US GDP, Employment, and Unemployment 1977–2021: Okun’s Law and the Puzzle of Jobless Recovery.
16 p.
Vol. 10.
Seip, Knut Lehre
Zhang, Dan
The yield curve as a leading indicator: Accuracy and timing of a parsimonious forecasting model.
Vol. 3.