Fields of study
Subject areas
Signal processing Ultrasound Medical Imaging
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Mirtaheri, Peyman ; Sponheim, Nils (2017). DESIGN AND INNOVATION WITH PROBLEM BASED LEARNING METHODS: AN ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE. Berg, Arild; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon; Gulden, Tore; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Pavel, Nenad (Ed.). proceedings of E&PDE 2017 – International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future. The Design Society.
Sponheim, Nils
An error reduction algorithm for numeric calculation of the spatial impulse response.
8 p.
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA).
Vol. 22.
Marceliussen, Kari Mari; Ottestad, Silje; Sanderson, Norun Christine ; Sponheim, Nils ; Waage, Christin (2011). Problembasert læring - 'light'. Bjørke, Gerd (Ed.). HiO-rapport 2011 nr. 12 Blikk inn i høgskolepedagogisk kompetanseutvikling. p. 46-57. Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus.
Gardner, Ed A.; Bendiksen, Ragnar; Sponheim, Nils ; Holley, Greg L.; Tornes, Audun; Krishnan, S.; Miller, P. D.; Fowkes, K.; Gee, A.; Øygarden, Kjell G. (2000). Synchronization of contrast agent destruction and imaging for perfusion assessment. Schneider, S. C.; Levy, M.; McAvoy, B. R. (Ed.). 2000 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings. p. 1911-1915. IEEE conference proceedings.
Pugh, Neil D.; Holcombe, C.; Horgan, K.; Sponheim, Nils ; Kruger-Hagen, Else; Oftedal, Bente Margaret; Mansel, R.E. (1996). Colour Doppler enhancement in breast tumours using a new transpulmonary ultrasound contrast agent Infoson(TM): a priliminary report. Journal of Vascular Investigation. Vol. 2.
Sponheim, Nils ; Myhrum, Marte (1996). An in vitro study on the influence of limited frequency resolution on contrast agent-enhanced Doppler signals. Ultrasonics. Vol. 34.
Sponheim, Nils ; Myhrum, Marte (1995). An Ultrasound Contrast Agent's Influence on the Measured Doppler Signal. Levy, M; Schneider, S. C.; McAvoy, B. R. (Ed.). 1995 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings. p. 1133-1136. IEEE conference proceedings.
Sponheim, Nils ; Gelius, Leiv-J.; Johansen, Ingvild; Stamnes, Jakob J. (1994). Ultrasonic tomography of biological tissue. Ultrasonic imaging (Print). Vol. 16.
Sponheim, Nils ; Hoff, Lars; Waaler, Anne; Muan, Berit; Morris, Hilde; Holm, Sverre; Myhrum, Marte; deJong, Nico; Skotland, Tore (1993). ALBUNEX(R) - A new ultrasound contrast agent. IEE, SET Div (Ed.). International Conference on Acoustic Sensing and Imaging. p. 103-108. The Institution of Electrical Engineers.
Stamnes, Jakob J.; Gelius, Leiv-J.; Johansen, Ingvild; Sponheim, Nils (1992). Diffraction tomography applications in seismic and medicine. Bertero, M; Pike, E.R. (Ed.). Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging. Adam Hilger.