Norwegian version
Olav-Johan Øye

Olav-Johan Øye


Senior communications adviser and communications contact for the Department of Built Environment, Department of Computer Science and Department of Mechanical, Electronic and Chemical Engineering.

My duties are - responsibility for content related to the Faculty of technology, Art and Design on the university’s websites - production of content, publication, development and maintenance of webpages and social media, particularly with respect to information about study programmes, research and development and the faculty - advisory services and planning - other information, communication and marketing duties

Administrative field of work

Strategic communication   Electronic communications   Web publishing   Social media   Student recruitment   Research communication   Marketing   Web Editor   Press contact   Photography

Publications and research


Øye, Olav-Johan (2024). Slik kan vi få flere til å sykle.

Øye, Olav-Johan (2024). Hvordan spare mer energi i bygg? En digital «tvilling» kan være løsningen.

Øye, Olav-Johan ; Normann, Maria Storvig (2024). Kunstig intelligens kan forutse hvordan skyene blir i fremtiden.

Øye, Olav-Johan (2024). What will the clouds above us be like in the future?.

Øye, Olav-Johan (2024). Slik kan kloakk bli miljøvennlig drivstoff.

Øye, Olav-Johan (2023). Slik kan synshemmede få hjelp av kunstig intelligens.

Øye, Olav-Johan (2023). OsloMet med fem nærings-ph.d.-ar innan augeforsking.

Øye, Olav-Johan (2023). Samarbeid mellom toppforskere gir resultater.

Øye, Olav-Johan (2023). Flere er plaget av tørre øyne: Nå jakter forskere på bedre behandling.

Øye, Olav-Johan (2023). Kunstig intelligens nyttig i behandling av tørre øyne.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete