Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Violence against ambulance staff
Our aim is to understand what leads up to the violence ambulance staff experience and what can be done to reduce this risk in ambulance services in Norway.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Moen, Ole Martin (2023). Skolens omsorgssvikt. ISBN: 978-82-02-79404-0. 127 p. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Sterri, Aksel Braanen; Moen, Ole Martin (2023). Dødshjelp og tvangsfilosofi. Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin. Vol. 3.
Moen, Ole Martin
Why good work in philosophical bioethics often looks strange.
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics.
Moen, Ole Martin
; Devolder, Katrien
Palliative Farming.
The Journal of Ethics.
Vol. 26.
Earp, Brian D; Lewis, Jonathan; Hart, Carl; Sterri, Aksel Braanen;
Moen, Ole Martin
Racial Justice Requires Ending the War on Drugs.
American Journal of Bioethics.
Vol. 21.
Moen, Ole Martin
Pessimism Counts in Favor of Biomedical Enhancement: A Lesson from the Anti-Natalist Philosophy of P. W. Zapffe.
Vol. 14.
Sterri, Aksel Braanen;
Moen, Ole Martin
The ethics of emergencies.
Philosophical Studies.
Moen, Ole Martin
Judicial Corporal Punishment.
Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy.
Vol. 17.
Moen, Ole Martin ; Sterri, Aksel Braanen (2019). Aktiv dødshjelp: Etikk ved livets slutt. ISBN: 9788202594848. 132 p. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Moen, Ole Martin
The Unabomber?s ethics.
Vol. 33.