Fields of study
Subject areas
Multicultural societies Gender and development research Education and Development Religion and development
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Waldrop, Anne
Egden, Sissel
Getting Behind the Walls and Fences: Methodological Considerations of Gaining Access to Middle-class Women in Urban India.
Forum for Development Studies.
Vol. 45.
Egden, Sissel (2012). Å høre hjemme flere steder. Båtnes, Per Inge; Egden, Sissel (Ed.). Flerkulturell forståelse i praksis. p. 76-91. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Egden, Sissel (2012). Globalisering og migrasjon. Båtnes, Per Inge; Egden, Sissel (Ed.). Flerkulturell forståelse i praksis. p. 53-75. Gyldendal Akademisk.