Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Effect of fiber-rich cereal products on metabolic regulation in people with gut symptoms or coeliac disease
We investigate the effect of cereal fiber on gut symptoms, gut microbiota, and metabolic regulation in people with coeliac disease or gut symptoms.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa
; Hellmann, Monica; Henriksen, Christine; Austad, Elisabeh;
Nakken Watters, Solveig Ivara
Gaundal, Line
; Lundin, Knut;
Myhrstad, Mari
Telle-Hansen, Vibeke
Experiences with Gluten-Free Bread: A Qualitative Study Amongst People with Coeliac Disease Participating in a Randomised Controlled Trial.
Vol. 12:4338.
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa
; Hallquist, Marit;
Nakken Watters, Solveig Ivara
; Gjøvik, Mia; Pihl Fredriksen, Marius; Jonassen, Stephanie; Ravnanger, Ina; Henriksen, Christine;
Myhrstad, Mari
Telle-Hansen, Vibeke
Attitudes towards and experiences with sourdough and baker’s yeast bread amongst participants in a randomised controlled trial: a qualitative study.
Food & Nutrition Research (FNR).
Vol. 66.