I have been employed as an R&D advisor at NOVA since January 2023. I am project support for project managers at the research institute. Also, I am coordinator of NOVA publications (editing, editing, publishing in Oda and registration in Cristin), and NFR application processes.
I am educated as a sociologist at the University of Oslo (2013). I have previously worked as an investigator, and as a research coordinator and advisor at UiO and the Institute for Social Research.
Fields of study
Subject areas
Integration Sociology Social capital Voluntarism
Administrative field of work
ODA Cristin Events Reporting Research communication Web publishing Social media
Research projects
Motivation and Mastery. Evaluation of Flyt – A Life Skills Programme for Young People in Vulnerable Life situations
To what extent does the programme help to build up the students who participate and make them better equipped to complete and pass upper secondary school?
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Sætrang, Synne
På Facebook for flyktninger. En casestudie av Refugees Welcome-nettverket i Norge.
Enjolras, Bernard; Eimhjellen, Ivar (Ed.).
Fra kollektiv til konnektiv handling? Nye former for samfunnsengasjement og kollektiv handling i Norge
. p. 151-187.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.