Norwegian version
Tore Slaatta

Tore Slaatta


Tore Slaatta is professor in media sociology and Dr. Polit in social sciences from University of Oslo (1999) where he worked untill 2016 at Department of Media and Communication. He is presently professor II at Department of Archive, Library and Information Science at Oslo Metropolitan University, and Honorary Research Fellow at Centre for Cultural Policy Research at University of Glasgow. Tore has a wide and long career in the fields of political communication, media sociology and cultural politics, and is an internationally known researcher and academic writer. His special interests are in political communication, public sphere issues, media sociology, journalism and sociology of literature, and he has a strong interest in methods and research project design. His background in political sociology shows in his continuing interest in questions about symbolic power, media power and public sphere issues, as for instance questions related to restrictions in freedom of speech and practices of the arms length principle in cultural politics. He has conducted several research projects for the Norwegian Research Council, the Ministry of Culture, the Media Authorities in Norway and the Norwegian Free Speech Organisation (Fritt Ord). He has also translated works from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu into Norwegian and been visiting professor to Freie University (Berlin), Centre for European Sociology at EHESS/MSH in Paris, and to Centre for Cultural Policy Research at University of Glasgow. In an ongoing research project at Oslo Metropolitan University he is now studying the problems and dynamics of governance in the cultural sector. Together with professor Ola Erstad (UiO) he was responsible for the Media Authorities' research in 2021 on Critical Media Literacy in Norway 2020 (Medietilsynet 2021), and in 2022 he analysed the image of wild animals and wolves in Norwegian media. His work on freedom of speech in Norway has particularly focused on the role of artists  (Fritt Ord 2014 and 2021, with Hanne M. Okstad) and he has published frequently over a 15 year period on Norwegian literary politics with Helge Rønning (UiO) (e.g. The Tools of Literary Politics, 2019, and Ambitious Literary Politics, 2020). His dissertation from 1999 was on the relationship between Norwegian foreign news journalism and the European public sphere, when he worked with the Norwegian research centre ARENA (Centre for Advanced Research on Europeanisation of the Nation State). In the following years he directed and coordinated the media research in the Power and Democracy programme (1998-2003, Digital makt, ed. 2002, and Den norske medieorden, 2003), and a project on publicity issues in the Norwegian petroleumsector with/Øyvind Ihlen (2004-05). In the years 2012-2016 he directed the NRC project Art and Power, which compared power structures and relationships in the fields of literature, visual art, stageart and contemporary music (Iverksettelse, ed. 2018). He is a frequent critic and reviewer to journals and newsmedia, and also manages administrative research projects through the consultancy and research company TSL Analytics (

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Sociology   Art history   Social sciences   Media studies and journalism   Humanities

Subject areas

Sociology of culture   Theory of Science   Media and communication   Sociology of literature

Research projects

Completed research projects

  • Political Dynamics of the Cultural Sector (POLYCUL)

    This project depart from the hypothesis that explanations for developments in cultural policy, and in particular its failure to realize programmatic goals, are found in the dynamics of interest-based politics that at work in the cultural sector.

Scientific publications

Rønning, Helge; Slaatta, Tore (2020). Ambitious Literary Policies: International Perspectives. ISBN: 978-82-692022-0-5. 87 p. International Publishers Association. Den norske forleggerforening.

Slaatta, Tore ; Sæther, Susanne Ø. (2018). Knut Åsdam: Oblique og Abyss. Slaatta, Tore (Ed.). Iverksettelse. Fire studier av kunst, autonomi og makt. p. 177-199. Universitetsforlaget.

Slaatta, Tore ; Sæther, Susanne Ø. (2018). Lene Berg: Shaving the Baroness og Kopfkino. Slaatta, Tore (Ed.). Iverksettelse. Fire studier av kunst, autonomi og makt. p. 161-176. Universitetsforlaget.

Slaatta, Tore ; Sæther, Susanne Ø. (2018). Økonomi og anerkjennelse i film- og videokunsten. Slaatta, Tore (Ed.). Iverksettelse. Fire studier av kunst, autonomi og makt. p. 147-160. Universitetsforlaget.

Slaatta, Tore ; Sæther, Susanne Ø. (2018). Uroen i det visuelle kunstfeltet. Slaatta, Tore (Ed.). Iverksettelse. Fire studier av kunst, autonomi og makt. p. 136-160. Universitetsforlaget.

Slaatta, Tore (2018). Skjønnlitteraturen og forfatterens makt. Slaatta, Tore (Ed.). Iverksettelse. Fire studier av kunst, autonomi og makt. p. 36-38. Universitetsforlaget.

Slaatta, Tore ; Sæther, Susanne Østby (2018). Kunst i bevegelse. Iverksettelse av film- og videokunst. Slaatta, Tore (Ed.). Iverksettelse. Fire studier av kunst, autonomi og makt. p. 134-136. Universitetsforlaget.

Slaatta, Tore (2018). Om intervensjoner og forfatterens symbolske makt. Slaatta, Tore (Ed.). Iverksettelse. Fire studier av kunst, autonomi og makt. p. 118-133. Universitetsforlaget.

Slaatta, Tore (2018). Knausgård analyserer Knausgård. Slaatta, Tore (Ed.). Iverksettelse. Fire studier av kunst, autonomi og makt. p. 92-117. Universitetsforlaget.

Slaatta, Tore (2018). Det skjønnlitterære feltet i 2011. Slaatta, Tore (Ed.). Iverksettelse. Fire studier av kunst, autonomi og makt. p. 67-91. Universitetsforlaget.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete