Norwegian version
Veronica Lockertsen

Veronica Lockertsen

Scientific publications

Lockertsen, Veronica ; Mo, Audun (2024). Hva kan støtte nyutdannede sykepleieres etiske beslutningskompetanse? En diskusjonsartikkel om vilkår for god etisk refleksjon i klinisk praksis. Sykepleien Forskning.

Lockertsen, Veronica ; Holm, Lill Ann Wellhaven; Nilsen, Liv; Rø, Øyvind; Burger, Linn May; Røssberg, Jan Ivar (2021). The transition process between child and adolescent mental services and adult mental health services for patients with anorexia nervosa: a qualitative study of the parents’ experiences. 10 p. Journal of Eating Disorders. Vol. 9.

Lockertsen, Veronica ; Nilsen, Liv; Holm, Lill Ann Wellhaven; Rø, Øyvind; Burger, Linn May; Røssberg, Jan Ivar (2020). Mental health professionals' experiences transitioning patients with anorexia nervosa from child/adolescent to adult mental health services: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 20:891.

Lockertsen, Veronica ; Nilsen, Liv; Holm, Lill Ann Wellhaven; Rø, Øyvind; Burger, Linn May; Røssberg, Jan Ivar (2020). Experiences of patients with anorexia nervosa during the transition from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health services. Journal of Eating Disorders. Vol. 8.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete