Norwegian version
Vilde Schanke Sundet

Vilde Schanke Sundet


Vilde Schanke Sundet is an associate professor at the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, OsloMet. She studies changes in the media industry, media policy and audiences/fans, and is an expert on television.

Sundet has participated in several large-scale research project, and is now the project leader of ‘GLOBAL NATIVES? Serving young audiences on global media platforms’ (Research Council of Norway, 2021-2025), hosted by the University of Oslo. The project studies young people’s use of entertainment media and what media producers and media policy makers do to remain relevant to a new media generation.

Sundet has published in several international journals and is the author of ‘Television Drama in the Age of Streaming’ (2021) and the co-author of ‘TV – en innføring’ (2010).

From 2010-2014, Sundet worked in the secretary of the Media Support Committee and as an advisor and senior advisor in media policy at the Ministry of Culture. Sundet is currently serving as the deputy chairman of the Broadcasting Council.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Humanities   Media studies and journalism   Information and communication systems

Subject areas

Media policy and media regulation   New Media   Broadcasting   Media science   Media economics   Media Production   Digitalization   Social media   Media innovation   Media industry   Streaming

Research groups

Scientific publications

Steen-Johnsen, Kari; Sundet, Vilde Schanke (2024). Theories of the Policy Process. Puppis, Manuel; Mansell, Robin; Van den Bulck, Hlilde (Ed.). Handbook of Media and Communication Governance. p. 100-110. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sundet, Vilde Schanke (2023). Public service youth content on social media platforms: Reaching youth through YouTube. Jensen, Pia Majbritt; Redvall, Eva Novrup; Christensen, Christa Lykke (Ed.). Audiovisual Content for Children and Adolescents in Scandinavia: Production, Distribution, and Reception in a Multiplatform Era. p. 79-98. Nordicom.

Lüders, Marika; Sundet, Vilde Schanke (2022). Globalt innfødte som en tapt generasjon? En konseptualisering av unge som en mediegenerasjon. Norsk medietidsskrift (NMT). Vol. 30.

Sundet, Vilde Schanke ; Lüders, Marika (2022). “Young people are on YouTube”: industry notions on streaming and youth as a new media generation. 18 p. Journal of Media Business Studies.

Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea ; Sundet, Vilde Schanke (2021). Global platforms and asymmetrical power: Industry dynamics and opportunities for policy change. New Media & Society.

Lüders, Marika; Sundet, Vilde Schanke (2021). Conceptualizing the Experiential Affordances of Watching Online TV. 16 p. Television & New Media.

Sundet, Vilde Schanke ; Colbjørnsen, Terje (2021). Streaming across industries: Streaming logics and streaming lore across the music, film, television, and book industries. Mediekultur. Vol. 37.

Lüders, Marika; Sundet, Vilde Schanke ; Colbjørnsen, Terje (2021). Towards streaming as a dominant mode of media use? A user typology approach to music and television streaming. Nordicom Review. Vol. 42.

Sundet, Vilde Schanke (2021). Provocation: Why I want to talk television with global platform representatives. Critical Studies in Television. Vol. 16.

Sundet, Vilde Schanke (2021). ‘Youthification’ of drama through real-time storytelling: A production study of blank and the legacy of SKAM. Critical Studies in Television. Vol. 16.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete