Wilfried Admiraal is a social psychologist and full professor at the Centre for the Study of Professions of Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway. His research interest is in teaching, teacher education, teachers, and the teaching profession. Current projects relate to attrition of early-career and late-career teachers, schools as a safe and democratic learning environment, and students’ and teachers’ information literacy. More information on projects, boards, PhD supervision, and publications can be found on his personal homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/wilfriedadmiraal/.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1627-3420
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Meta-Scientific Literacies in the (Mis-)Information Age
An international research project addressing the role of education in response to the flood of public disinformation and mistrust against science and research.
Teacher Education for a Future in Flux - TEFF Academy
An international research project addressing the need for joint training and further education that help teachers cope with recent challenges in schools.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Liu, Xu; Mearns, Tessa;
Admiraal, Wilfried
Construction and reconstruction of Chinese foreign language teachers’ identity in an intercultural context: A longitudinal multiple case study.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.
Vol. 157.
Schoots, Anja; Tigelaar, Dineke E. H.;
Admiraal, Wilfried
Curriculum guidelines for the development of student agency in secondary education: A systematic review.
33 p.
Curriculum Journal.
Vol. online first.
Røe, Yngve
Torbjørnsen, Astrid
Admiraal, Wilfried
Educators’ digital competence in physiotherapy and health professions education: Insights from qualitative interviews.
Digital Health.
Vol. 10.
Yegizbayeva, Lazzat;
Admiraal, Wilfried
; Zhazykova, Makpal; Mustoyapova, Altyngul; Akiyeva, Almagul; Nurseitova, Bakitgul; Saimagambetova, Asem
Analyzing CLIL Studies in Primary Education: Bibliometric analysis.
12 p.
Qubahan Academic Journal.
Vol. 4.
Zhou, Na; Liu, Xin; Jin, Xinglin; Li, Tongji; Wang, Chenjing;
Admiraal, Wilfried
Motivation for and Challenges in Teacher Research in Underdeveloped Areas of Northwest China: An Exploratory Study.
Behavioral Sciences.
Vol. 14.
Zhou, Na; Xin, Liu; Jin, Xinglin; Wang, Chenjing;
Admiraal, Wilfried
Motivation for and challenges in teacher research from under-developed areas of northwest China: An exploratory study.
Behavioral Sciences.
Vol. 14.
Zhou, Na; Tigelaar, Dineke;
Admiraal, Wilfried
Factors influencing impact of work placement on vocational teachers’ school practice.
Educational studies (Dorchester-on-Thames).
Vol. 50.
Brink, Suzanne; De Hei, Miranda; Sjoer, Ellen; Carlsson, Carl Johan; Georgsson, Fredrik; Keller, Elizabeth D.; McCartan, Charles; Enelund, Mikael; Lyng, Reidar;
Admiraal, Wilfried
Curriculum Agility principles for transformative innovation in engineering education.
18 p.
European Journal of Engineering Education.
Vol. online first.
Xin, Zhang;
Admiraal, Wilfried
; Saab, Nadira
Factors affecting teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching in primary education.
14 p.
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice.
van Leeuwen, Anouschka; Post, Lysanne; Lockhorst, Ditte;
Admiraal, Wilfried
; Liesbeth, Kester
A typology of teachers’ self-reported use of student data from computer-based assessment programmes in secondary education.
International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE).
Vol. 6.