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Wilfried Admiraal

Wilfried Admiraal

Kort om

Wilfried Admiraal er professor i utdanningsvitenskap med fokus på læreryrket. Hans forskningsinteresse kombinerer områdene undervisning og læring, teknologi og sosialpsykologi i videregående og høyere utdanning. Pågående prosjekter er knyttet til simuleringer og virtuell virkelighet i høyere utdanning, elevengasjement og interaksjon i nettbasert læring, elevers og læreres informasjonskunnskaper, sosiale erkjennelser i utdanning og tilgang til utdanning. Han er også involvert i forskning på jobbkrav og ressurser til lærere i tidlig karriere.

Mer informasjon om prosjekter, styrer, PhD-veiledning og publikasjoner på hans personlige Google-hjemmeside: https://sites.google.com/site/wilfriedadmiraal.

ORCID 0000-0002-1627-3420


  • Lærerutdanning for en fremtid i flux

    TEFF konsortiet koordineres av Universitetet i Köln og består av 17 partnere fra ni EU-land, hvorav ti universitetsmiljøer med skoler og andre tilknyttede partnere. TEFF fokuserer bevisst på en fremtidsorientert og et tverrfaglig samarbeid på tvers av alle faser av lærerprofesjonaliseringen.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Smit, Ben; Tigelaar, Dineke; Berry, Amanda; Admiraal, Wilfried (2024). Teacher educators’ views on educating pre-service teachers for participatory action research in secondary schools. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies. Vol. 141.

Atal, Deniz; Admiraal, Wilfried ; Saab, Nadira (2024). Effects of 360 video virtual reality-supported reflection on student teachers’ classroom management self-efficacy and their stress levels. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies. Vol. 144.

Admiraal, Wilfried ; Lockhorst, Ditte; Post, Lysanne; Kester, Liesbeth (2024). Effects of students’ autonomy support on their self-regulated learning strategies: Three field experiments in secondary education. International Journal of Research in Education and Science. Vol. 10.

Wei, Xiaomei; Saab, Nadira; Admiraal, Wilfried (2024). What rationale would work? Unfolding the role of learners' attitudes and motivation in predicting learning engagement and perceived learning outcomes in MOOCs. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. Vol. 21.

Wei, Xiaomei; Saab, Nadira; Admiraal, Wilfried (2024). What rationale would work? Unfolding the role of learners’ attitudes and motivation in predicting learning engagement and perceived learning outcomes in MOOCs. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. Vol. 21.

Admiraal, Wilfried (2024). Teachers' perspective on their school environment and job satisfaction in Nordic and other European countries. 15 s. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Vol. online first.

Lampropoulos, Georgios; Admiraal, Wilfried (2024). Comparing Emergency Remote Learning with Traditional Learning in Primary Education: Primary School Student Perspectives. Open Education Studies. Vol. 6.

Admiraal, Wilfried (2024). Teachers’ perspective on their school environment and job satisfaction in Nordic and other European countries. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Opstoel, Katrijn; Buijs, Edwin; Van der Steen, Janneke; Schenke, Wouter; Admiraal, Wilfried ; Oolbekkink, Helma (2024). Interaction between educational research and practice: Collaboration, strategies and conditions. International Journal of Educational Research Open. Vol. 7.

Liu, Xu; Mearns, Tessa; Admiraal, Wilfried (2024). “For me, it is important to maintain self while adapting.” Understanding Chinese foreign language teachers’ identity in an intercultural context. 20 s. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. Vol. online first.

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