Norwegian version

Children with a Refugee Background – Measures for Inclusion and Belonging (Barnfluk)

The project aims to discover the experiences children and young people who come to Norway as refugees have with the settlement and integration process, and how municipalities work with this group.

Children and young people make up a large proportion of the refugees who come to Norway, and most of them live with one or both parents.

We know little about the experiences these children and young people have with the settlement and integration process, and about how municipalities work with this group.

We will conduct interviews with children and young people who have settled in local Norwegian communities with their families the past five years, as well as with municipal employees and others who work with settlement and integration. With the help of a survey and interviews, we will map the municipalities' measures towards this group.

The data will be compiled and form the basis for an overall analysis and preparation of recommendations for further work. The project does not address any specific nationality but will include a separate part focusing specifically on children and young people who have fled Ukraine with their families.

The knowledge generated through the project will provide a basis for recommendations for the municipalities' work targeting the needs of children and young people with a refugee background, to further their belonging and inclusion in local communities.