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Constantinos Xenofontos

Constantinos Xenofontos

Kort om

Jeg er professor i matematikkdidaktikk. Jeg har en bachelorgrad i utdanning (med spesialisering i matematikkdidaktikk) fra University of Cyprus (Kypros), en mastergrad og en doktorgrad i matematikkdidaktikk fra University of Cambridge (England, Storbritannia), og et postgraduate sertifikat i pedagogisk ledelse fra University of Leicester (England, Storbritannia).

Før jeg ble ansatt ved OsloMet jobbet jeg som lærer på Kypros, og som akademiker ved University of Nicosia (Kypros) og University of Stirling (Skottland, Storbritannia). Forskningsinteressene mine handler om de sosiale, kulturelle og politiske dimensjonene ved matematikkdidaktikk, som jeg ofte utforsker i forhold til lærerutdanning i matematikk og analyser av læreplaner i matematikk.

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Xenofontos, Constantinos ; Solomon, Yvette; Knudsmoen, Hege (2024). Norwegian teachers’ perspectives on inclusive practices in the mathematics classroom. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Xenofontos, Constantinos ; Hizli Alkan, Sinem; Appelbaum, Peter (2024). An exploration of Scottish teachers’ perceptions of equitable teaching practices in mathematics. Cogent Education. Vol. 11.

Xenofontos, Constantinos ; Nolan, Kathleen Theresa (2024). Critical Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education. ISBN: 978-3-0365-9882-6. 284 s. MDPI.

Xenofontos, Constantinos (2024). Gender representations in school mathematics: a study of primary textbooks in the Republic of Cyprus. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

Khilji, Mohammed Ali; Xenofontos, Constantinos (2023). “With maths you can have a better future”: how children of immigrant background construct their identities as mathematics learners. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Bjerke, Annette Hessen ; Xenofontos, Constantinos (2023). Teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching mathematics: tracing possible changes from teacher education to professional practice. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice. Vol. 31.

Xenofontos, Constantinos ; Hizli Alkan, Sinem; Andrews, Paul (2023). Estimation in the Primary Mathematics Curricula of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey: A Privileged or Prevented Competence?. 21 s. Athens Journal of Education (AJE). Vol. 10.

Xenofontos, Constantinos ; Andrews, Paul (2023). The experiential construction of mathematics teacher identity and the impact of early mathematical failure. Frontiers in Education. Vol. 8.

Pettersen, Josefine; Xenofontos, Constantinos (2023). The construction of mathematical identities among early adolescents. Cogent Education. Vol. 10.

Nolan, Kathleen Theresa ; Xenofontos, Constantinos (2023). On Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher of Mathematics. Journal of Mathematics and Culture.

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