English version
Isa Steinmann

Isa Steinmann

Kort om

Isa Steinmann er førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning (GFU) ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet. I forskningen sin bruker hun vanligvis data fra internasjonale storskalaundersøkelser for å finne ut hvordan utdanningssystemer og skoler påvirker elevenes prestasjoner og utdanningsforskjeller. På dette feltet bruker hun gjerne metoder som tar sikte på kausal slutning fra storskalavurderingsdata. En annen del av forskningen hennes undersøker hvordan egenskapene til de internasjonale storskalavurderingene påvirker resultatene deres og interagerer med respondentene.



Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Steinmann, Isa (2024). Unexpected gender differences in teacher ratings of academic skills and school track recommendations. Studies in Educational Evaluation.

Attig, Manja; Hoferichter, Frances; Steinmann, Isa ; Strietholt, Rolf (2024). Teaching quality and student reading outcomes: Evidence from a longitudinal study from grade 5 to 7. Studies in Educational Evaluation.

Chen, Jianan; Steinmann, Isa ; Braeken, Johan (2024). Competing explanations for inconsistent responding to a mixed-worded self-esteem scale: Cognitive abilities or personality?. 5 s. Personality and Individual Differences. Vol. 222.

Steinmann, Isa ; Chen, Jianan; Braeken, Johan (2024). Who Responds Inconsistently to Mixed-Worded Scales? Differences by Achievement, Age Group, and Gender. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice.

Strello, Andrés; Strietholt, Rolf; Steinmann, Isa (2023). Mind the Gap… But Which Gap? The Distinctions Between Social Inequalities in Student Achievement. Social Indicators Research.

Steinmann, Isa ; Rutkowski, Leslie (2023). The Link between Gender Gaps in School Enrollment and School Achievement. 28 s. Comparative Education Review. Vol. 67.

Teig, Nani; Steinmann, Isa (2023). Leveraging large-scale assessments for effective and equitable school practices: the case of the nordic countries. Large-scale Assessments in Education. Vol. 11.

Steinmann, Isa ; Strietholt, Rolf; Rosén, Monica (2023). International Reading Gaps between Boys and Girls, 1970-2016. 32 s. Comparative Education Review. Vol. 67.

Steinmann, Isa ; Strello, Andrés; Strietholt, Rolf (2023). The effects of early between-school tracking on gender segregation and gender gaps in achievement: a differences-in-differences study. School Effectiveness and School Improvement.

Steinmann, Isa ; Olsen, Rolf Vegar (2022). Equal opportunities for all? Analyzing within-country variation in school effectiveness. Large-scale Assessments in Education. Vol. 10.

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