English version
Limei Che

Limei Che


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Annelin, Alice; Che, Limei (2023). Audit Team Distance and Audit Quality Threatening Behavior. 22 s. Auditing: A journal of Practice and Theory (AJPT). Vol. 43.

Cahan, Steven F.; Che, Limei ; Knechel, W. Robert; Svanstrøm, Tobias (2022). Do Audit Teams Affect Audit Production and Quality? Evidence from Audit Teams’ Industry Knowledge. Contemporary Accounting Research. Vol. 39.

Che, Limei ; Myllymäki, Emma-Riikka; Svanstrøm, Tobias (2022). Auditors’ self-assessment of engagement quality and the role of stakeholder priority. 41 s. Accounting and Business Research.

Che, Limei ; Langli, John Christian; Svanstrøm, Tobias (2021). Are Audit Partners’ Compensation and Audit Quality related to their consulting revenues?. 26 s. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. Vol. 40.

Chen, Yunseng; Che, Limei ; Zheng, Dengjing; You, Hong (2020). Corruption Culture and Accounting Quality. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.

Che, Limei ; Hope, Ole-Kristian; Langli, John Christian (2020). How Big-4 Firms Improve Audit Quality. Management science. Vol. 66.

Che, Limei ; Svanstrøm, Tobias (2019). Team Composition and Labor Allocation in Audit Teams: A Descriptive Note. Managerial Auditing Journal. Vol. 34.

Che, Limei (2018). Investor types and stock return volatility. Journal of Empirical Finance. Vol. 47.

Che, Limei ; Langli, John Christian; Svanstrøm, Tobias (2017). Education, Experience, and Audit Effort. Auditing: A journal of Practice and Theory (AJPT). Vol. 37.

Che, Limei ; Zhang, Pingying (2016). The impact of family CEO’s ownership and the moderating effect of the second largest owner in private family firms. 28 s. Journal of Management and Governance. Vol. 21.

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