Les mer om Den norske studien av livsløp, aldring og generasjon (NorLAG).
Uddin, S., & Adhikari, N. (2024). Does social support buffer the effect of negative life events on mental health outcomes? SAGE Open, 14: 1–14 (sagepub.com)
Henning, G., Løset, G. K., & Huxhold, O. (2024). Personality and 10-year development among Norwegians in Midlife – Do retirement and job type play a role? Psychology and Aging (online first) (psychnet.apa.org)
Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen, K. (2024). Gender differences in loneliness over time: A 15-year longitudinal study of men and women in the second part of life. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 98(1): 103–132 (journals.sagepub.com).
Sauter, J. (2024). Norwegian biological parents and stepparents’ attitudes towards family obligations in middle and old age. Journal of Family Issues (online first) (journals.sagepub.com).
Stegen, H., Duppen, D., Savieri, P., Stas, L., Pan, H., Aarsten, M., Callewaert, H., Dierckx, E., & De Donder, L. (2024). Loneliness prevalence of community-dwelling older adults and the impact of the mode of measurement, data collection, and country: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Psychogeriatrics (cambridge.com)
Adhikari, N. & Uddin, S. (2023). Health inequalities in older Norwegians and the mediating role of social networks. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 97, 202–228 (journals.sagepub.com).
Hellevik, T., Herlofson, K. & Pedersen, A. W. (2023). Hvordan måle tidspunkt for avgang fra yrkeslivet i Norge? Om ulike definisjoner, metoder og resultater. Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 40(1) (idunn.no)
Herlofson, K., Hellevik, T., Pedersen, A. W. & Solem, P. E. (red.) (2023). Veier ut av arbeidslivet. Senkarrierer og yrkesavgang. NOVA rapport nr. 3/23 (oda.oslomet.no)
Herlofson, K. & Veenstra, M. (2023). Livsløpsoverganger i eldre år. Betydningen av kjønn og sosioøkonomisk status. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 26(1) (idunn.no)
Løset, G. K. & von Soest, T. (2023). Big five personality traits and physician-certified sickness absence. European Journal of Personality, 7: 239–253 (journals.sagepub.com)
Nicolaisen, M., Pripp, A. H. & Thorsen, K. (2023). Why not lonely? A longitudinal study of factors related to loneliness and non-loneliness in different age groups among people in the second part of life. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 97: 157–187 (journals.sagepub.com)
Vangen, H. & Herlofson, K. (2023). Why care? How filial responsibility norms and relationship quality matter for subsequent provision of care to ageing parents. Ageing & Society (cambridge.com)
Deeg, D. J. H., Blekesaune, M. & de Wind, A. (2022). Employment trends at older ages: policy impact or secular change? (link.springer.com). European Journal of Ageing, 19: 689–698.
Hansen, T. & Blekesaune, M. (2022). The age and well-being “paradox”: a longitudinal and multi-dimensional reconsideration (link.springer.com). European Journal of Ageing, 19: 1277–1286.
Le, G., & Aartsen, M. (2022). Understanding volunteering intensity in older volunteers. Ageing & Society (cambridge.org).
Løset, G. K., Hellevik, T. & von Soest, T. (2022). Basic human values and sick leave: a study combining two-wave survey data with longitudinal register data (onlinelibrary.wiley.com). Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 63: 658–669.
Saeed N., Norekvål T. M., Steiro O., et al. (2022). Predictors of long-term symptom burden and quality of life in patients hospitalised with chest pain: a prospective observational study (bmjopen.bmj.com). BMJ Open, 12: e062302.
Veenstra, M. & Aartsen, M. (2022). Life-course income trajectories of men and women in Norway: implications for self-rated health in later life (academic.oup.com). European Journal of Public Health, 32: 542–547.
Blekesaune, M. & Hansen, T. (2021). Human values and retirement experiences: a longitudinal analysis of Norwegian data (link.springer.com). Social Indicators Research, 157: 1001–1019.
Herlofson, K., Hellevik, T. & Daatland, S.O. (2021). Intergenerational family relationships in Norway. I Albert, I. et al. (red.) Families and family values in society and culture, s. 309–328. Information Age Publishing.
Onstad, O. U., Joranger, P. & Hansen, T. (2021). Nye eldre – nye former for frivillighet? Frivillighetsmønstre og motivbegrunnelser sett i lys av endringer i verdier, utdanningsnivå og mestring (idunn.no). Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 24: 89–104.
Slagsvold, B. & Hansen, T. (2021). The baby-boomer generation. Another breed of elderly people? I Falch-Eriksen, A. et al. (red.) Generational tensions and solidarity within advanced welfare states, s. 153–172.
Vangen, H. (2021). The impact of informal caregiving on labour supply before and after a parent’s death (link.springer.com). Journal of Population Ageing, 14: 201–228.
Vangen, H., Hellevik, T. & Herlofson, K. (2021). Associations between paid and unpaid work among Norwegian seniors: competition, complementarity or continuity? (link.springer.com) European Journal of Ageing, 18: 479–489.
Veenstra, M., Daatland, S. O. & Aartsen, M. (2021). The role of subjective age in sustaining wellbeing and health in the second half of life (cambridge.org). Ageing & Society, 41: 2446–2466.
Veenstra, M., Løset, G. K. & Daatland, S. O. (2021). Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality after age 67: The contribution of psychological factors (frontiersin.org). Frontiers in Psycholog, 12, art. 17959.
Veenstra, M., Herlofson, K., Aartsen, M., Hansen, T., Hellevik, T., Henriksen, G., Løset, G. K. & Vangen, H. (2021). Cohort Profile: The Norwegian life course, ageing and generation study (NorLAG) (academic.oup.com). International Journal of Epidemiology.
Vigdal, Ø. N., Storheim, K., Killingmo, M. K., Småstuen, M. C. & Grotle, M. (2021). Characteristics of older adults with back pain associated with choice of first primary care provider: a cross-sectional analysis from the BACE-N cohort study (bmjopen.bmj.com). BMJ Open, 11: e053229.
Waldegrave, C., Aartsen, M., Lowenstein, A. et al. (2021). Conflicting relations, abuse and discrimination experienced by older adults. I Walsh, K. et al. (red.) Social exclusion in later life. Interdisciplinary and policy perspectives, s. 119–132. Springer (ink.springer.com).
Grøtting, M. W. & Lillebø, O. (2020). Health effects of retirement: Evidence from survey and register data. Journal of Population Economics (link.springer.com), 33: 671–704.
Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2020). Refleksiv frivillighet i en norsk kontekst – om eldres deltakelse, motivasjon og potensiale (idunn.no). Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning, 23(1): 4–19.
Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2020). An “army of volunteers”? Engagement, motivation, and barriers to volunteering among the Baby Boomers (tandfonline.com). Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 63(4): 335–353.
Hellevik, T. & Herlofson, K. (2020). 67+ and still working. The importance of earlier job situation and retirement plans for extended careers (idunn.no). Nordisk Välfärdsforskning/Nordic Welfare Research, 5(2): 95–108.
Herlofson, K. & Brandt, M. (2020). Helping older parents in Europe: The importance of grandparenthood, gender and care regime. European Societies, 22(3): 390–410.
Nicolaisen, M., Strand, B. H., & Thorsen, K. (2020). Aging with a physical disability, duration of disability, and life satisfaction: A 5-year longitudinal study among people aged 40 to 79 years (tandfonline.com). The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 9: 253–273.
Ormstad, H., Eilertsen, G., Heir, T., & Sandvik, L. (2020). Personality traits and the risk of becoming lonely in old age: A 5-year follow-up study (qlo.biomedcentral.com). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18: 1–5.
Von Soest, T., Luhmann, M., Hansen, T. & Gerstorf, D. (2020). Development of loneliness in midlife and old age: Its nature and correlates (psycnet.apa.org). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118: 388–406.
Enroth, L., Veenstra, M., Aartsen, M., Kjær, A. A., Nilsson, C. J. & Fors, S. (2019). Are there educational disparities in health and functioning among the oldest old? Evidence from the Nordic countries (link.springer.com). European Journal of Ageing, 16: 415–424.
Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2019). Et Øst-Vest skille for eldres livskvalitet i Europa? En sammenligning av ensomhet og depressive symptomer i 12 land. Nordisk Østforum, 33: 74–90.
Hart, R. K. (2019). Union histories of dissolution: What can they say about childlessness? (link.springer.com) European Journal of Population, 35(1): 101–131.
Herlofson, K., Daatland, S. O. & Veenstra, M. (2019). Generasjoner imellom: Holdninger til familiens ansvar øst og vest i Europa. Nordisk Østforum, 33: 34–53.
Herlofson, K. & Hellevik, T. (2019). Eldre i arbeidslivet – slitenhet og yrkesavgang (idunn.no). Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 4(36): 298–315.
Onozaka, Y. & Hafzi, K. (2019). Household production in an egalitarian society (academic.oup.com). Social Forces, 97(3): 1127–1154.
Hansen, T., Aartsen, M., Slagsvold, B. & Deindl, C. (2018). Dynamics of volunteering and life satisfaction in midlife and old age: Findings from 12 European countries (mdpi.com). Social Sciences, 7: 78.
Nicolaisen, M., Moum, T. & Thorsen, K. (2018). Mastery and depressive symptoms: How does mastery influence the impact of stressors from midlife to old age? (journals.sagepub.com) Journal of Aging and Health, 30(7): 1084–1107.
Nordfjærn, T. (2018). Religiosity and alcohol use: Is religiosity important for abstention and consumption levels in the second half of life? (tandfonline.com) Substance Use & Misuse, 53(14): 2271–2280.
von Soest, T., Wagner, J., Hansen, T. & Gerstorf, D. (2018). Self-esteem across the second half of life: The role of socioeconomic status, physical health, social relationships, and personality factors (psycnet.apa.org). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114: 945–958.
Aartsen, M., Veenstra, M. & Hansen, T. (2017). Social pathways to health: On the mediating role of the social network in the relation between socioeconomic position and health (sciencedirect.com). Social Science & Medicine: Population Health, 3: 419–426.
Andresen, I. H., Hansen, T. & Grov, E. (2017). Norwegian nurses’ quality of life, satisfaction with job, and their intention to change job – a study based on the LOGG data (journals.sagepub.com). Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 37(2): 90–99.
Brunborg, G. S. (2017). Positive and negative affectivity as risk factors for heavy drinking in the second half of life: A prospective cohort study (onlinelibrary.wiley.com). Addiction, 112(5): 801–807.
Dommermuth, L., Hohmann-Marriott, B. & Lappegård, T. (2017). Gender equality in the Family and childbearing (journals.sagepub.com). Journal of Family Issues, 38(3): 1803–1824.
Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2017). The East-West divide in late-life depression: Results from the Generations and Gender Survey (psykologisk.no). Scandinavian Psychologist, 4, e4.
Hansen, T., Slagsvold, B. & Veenstra, M. (2017). Educational inequalities in late-life depression across Europe. Results from the Generations and Gender Survey (link.springer.com). European Journal of Ageing, 14(4): 407–418.
Hart, R. K., Lyngstad, T. H. & Vinberg, E. (2017). Children and union dissolution across four decades: Evidence from Norway (academic.oup.com). European Sociological Review, 33(2): 317–331.
Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen (2017). What are friends for? Friendships and loneliness over the lifespan-from 18 to 79 years (journals.sagepub.com). International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 84(2): 126–158.
Slagsvold, B. & Hansen, T. (2017). Morgendagens eldre: Betydningen av økt utdanning for mental helse. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 55(1): 36–45.
Syse, A., Veenstra, M., Furunes, T., Mykletun, R. & Solem, P.E. (2017). Changes in health and health behavior associated with retirement (journals.sagepub.com). Journal of Aging and Health, 29(1): 99–127.
Wiik, K. A. & Bernhart, E. (2017). Cohabiting and married individuals’ relations with their partner’s parents (onlinelibrary.wiley.com). Journal of Marriage and Family, 79: 1111–1124.
Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2016). Late-life loneliness in 11 European countries: Results from the Generations and Gender Survey (link.springer.com). Social Indicators Research, 129: 445–464.
Hart, R. K. & Lyngstad, T. H. (2016). Individualiserte livsløp? Et sekvensanalytisk blikk på samlivene til norske menn og kvinner født 1927–1966 (idunn.no). Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning, 2: 135–166.
Nyberg, T. E., Grøgaard, J. B. & Arntzen, A. (2016). Påvirker sosial kapital kommunale styringsprestasjoner i Norge? (idunn.no) Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning, 4(56): 397–435.
Solem, P. E., Syse, A., Furunes, T. & Mykletun, R. J. (2016). To leave or not to leave: Retirement intentions and retirement behaviour (cambridge.org). Ageing & Society, 36(2): 259–281.
Blekesaune, M. (2015). Can self-enhancement values predict retirement behavior? An analysis combining survey and register data from Norway (journals.sagepub.com). International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 80(2): 101–114.
Brunborg, G.S. & Østhus, S. (2015). Alcohol in the second half of life: Do usual quantity and frequency of drinking to intoxication increase with increased drinking frequency? (onlinelibrary.wiley.com) Addiction, 110(2): 308–314.
Dommermuth, L, Hohmann-Marriott, B. & Lappegård, T. (2015). Gender equality in the family and childbearing (journals.sagepub.com). Journal of Family Issues, 38(13): 1803–1824.
Dommermuth, L., Klobas, J. & Lappegård, T. (2015). Realization of fertility intentions by different time frames (sciencedirect.com). Advances in Life Course Research, 24: 34–46.
Hamre, K. & Ugreninov, E. (2015). Døtre i skvis mellom arbeid og foreldreomsorg – er det noen sammenheng mellom omsorgsforpliktelser og sykefravær? Sosiologi i dag, 45(3): 46–67.
Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2015). Feeling the squeeze? The effects of combining work and informal caregiving on psychological well-being (link.springer.com). European Journal of Ageing, 12(1): 51–60.
Herlofson, K. (2015). Lengre liv, nye hjelpemønstre i familien? Sosiologi i dag, 45(3): 24–45.
Nordfjærn, T. & Brunborg, G. S. (2015). Associations between human values and alcohol consumption among Norwegians in the second half of life (tandfonline.com). Substance Use & Misuse, 50(10): 1284–1293.
Barstad, A. (2014). Equality is bliss? Relationship quality and the gender division of household labor (journals.sagepub.com). Journal of Family Issues, 35(7): 972–992.
Bay, A. H., Pedersen, A. W. & Finseraas, H. (2014). Comfort in numbers? Social integration and political participation among disability benefit recipients in Norway (journals.sagepub.com). European Journal of Social Security, 16(4): 290–307.
Bergland, A., Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen, K. (2014). Predictors of subjective age in people aged 40−79 years: a five-year follow-up study. The impact of mastery, mental and physical health(tandfonline.com). Aging & Mental Health, 18(5): 653–661.
Herlofson, K. & Ugreninov, E. (2014). Er omsorgsfulle fedre omsorgsfulle sønner? Likestilling hjemme og hjelp til eldre foreldre. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 55(3): 321–346.
Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen, K. (2014). Who are the lonely? Loneliness in different age groups (18-81 years old) using two measures of loneliness (journals.sagepub.com). The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 78(3): 229–257.
Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen, K. (2014). Loneliness among men and women – a five-year follow-up study (tandfonline.com). Aging & Mental Health, 18(2): 194–206.
Skirbekk, V. & Blekesaune, M. (2014). Personality traits increasingly important for male fertility: Evidence from Norway (journals.sagepub.com). European Journal of Personality, 28(6): 521–529.
Syse, A., Solem, P. E., Ugreninov, E., Mykletun, R. J. & Furunes, T. (2014). Do spouses coordinate their work exits? A combined survey and register analysis from Norway- (journals.sagepub.com). Research on Aging, 36(5): 625–650.
Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2013). The psychological effects of providing personal care to a partner: A multidimensional perspective. Health Psychology Research, 1(2): 126−134.
Herlofson, K. (2013). How gender and generation matter. Examples from research on divorced parents and adult children (bristoluniversitypressdigital.com). Families, Relationships and Societies, 2(1): 45−62.
Noack, T., Bernhardt, E. & W., K. Aa. (2013). Cohabitation or marriage? Preferred living arrangements in the West. In A. A. J. Walker (Ed.), Contemporary issues in family studies: Global perspectives on partnerships, parenting, and support in a changing world. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Slagsvold, B. & Sørensen, A. M. (2013). Changes in sense of control in the second half of life: Results from a 5-year panel study. International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 77(4): 289–308.
Ugreninov, E. (2013). Offspring in squeeze: Health and sick leave absence among middle-aged informal caregivers (link.springer.com). Journal of Population Ageing, 6(4): 323–338.
Kitterød, R. H. & Rønsen, M. (2013). Opting out? Who are the housewives in contemporary Norway? (academic.oup.com) European Sociological Review, 29(6): 1266–1279.
Blekesaune, M. (2012). Kan personlighet predikere sykefravær? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(1): 2–10.
Blekesaune, M. (2012). Kjønnsroller og uførepensjonering. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 53(1): 33–48.
Blekesaune, M. & Skirbekk, V. (2012). Can personality predict retirement behaviour? A longitudinal analysis combining survey and register data from Norway (link.springer.com). European Journal of Ageing, 9(3): 199–206.
Daatland, S. O., Veenstra, M. & Herlofson, K. (2012). Age and intergenerational attitudes in the family and the welfare state (sciencedirect.com). Advances in Life Course Research, 17(3): 133–144.
Daatland, S. O., Veenstra, M., & Herlofson, K. (2012). Egeninteresse eller altruisme? Alder og holdninger til familien og velferdsstaten. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 151–167.
Finseraas, H., Jakobsson, N., & Kotsadam, A. (2012). The gender gap in political preferences: An empirical test of a political economy explanation (academic.oup.com). Social Politics, 19(2): 219−242.
Furunes, T., Mykletun, R. J. & Solem, P. E. (2012). How do different exit routes from work affect older workers’s self-esteem? I S. d. Wals & K. Meszaros (Eds.), Handbook on Psychology of Self-Esteem (s. 325–337). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Hansen, T., Slagsvold, B., & Ingebretsen, R. (2012). The strains and gains of caregiving: An examination of the effects of providing personal care to a parent on a range of psychological outcomes (link.springer.com). Social Indicators Research, 94(2): 343–362.
Hansen, T., Slagsvold, B. & Ingebretsen, R. (2012). Å gi personlig pleie til foreldre: Går det ut over psykisk velvære? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 176–192.
Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2012). The age and subjective well-being paradox revisited: A multidimensional perspective (ntnu.no). Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(2): 187–195.
Herlofson, K., & Hagestad, G. O. (2012). Transformations in the role of grandparents across welfare states. In S. Arber & V. Timonen (red.), Contemporary grandparenting. Changing family relationships in global contexts (s. 27–49). Bristol: The Policy Press.
Jakobsson, N., Hansen, T., & Kotsadam, A. (2012). Er det en sammenheng mellom formell og uformell omsorg i Norge? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 17(3): 22–29.
Kitterød, R. H., & Lappegård, T. (2012). A typology of work-family arrangements among dual-earner couples in Norway (onlinelibrary.wiley.com). Family Relations, 61(4): 671–685.
Kotsadam, A. (2012). The employment costs of caregiving in Norway (link.springer.com). International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 12(4): 269−283.
Kotsadam, A., & Jakobsson, N. (2012). Uformell eldreomsorg – et hinder for kvinner på arbeidsmarkedet? Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 29(1-2): 97-110.
Nicolaisen, M., & Thorsen, K. (2012). Impairments, mastery, and loneliness: A prospective study of loneliness among older adults (ntnu.no). Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(2): 143–150.
Nicolaisen, M., Thorsen, K., & Eriksen, S. (2012). Jump into the void? Factors related to a preferred retirement age: Gender, social interests, and leisure activities (journals.sagepub.com). International Journal of Ageing and Human Development, 75(3): 239–271.
Næss, S., & Hansen, T. (2012). Naturelskere og naturbrukere. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 53(4): 405–428.
Seippel, Ø. (2012). Venner, foreninger eller bosted? Om ulike typer av sosial kapital og deres betydning for livskvalitet. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 222–236.
Solem, P. E. (2012). Endring i husarbeid, fritidsaktiviteter og frivillig arbeid etter yrkesavgang. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 207–221.
Slagsvold, B., Veenstra, M., Daatland, S. O., Hagestad, G., Hansen, T., Herlofson, K., Koløen, K. & Solem, P. E. (2012). Life-course, ageing and generations in Norway: The NorLAG study (ntnu.no). Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(2): 95–102.
Ugreninov, E. (2012). Fører kombinasjonen av yrkesaktivitet og omsorg for hjelpetrengende foreldre til høyt sykefravær? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 192–207.
Veenstra, M., & Syse, A. (2012). Health behaviour changes and onset of chronic health problems in later life (ntnu.no). Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(2): 135–142.
Wiik, K. A., Keizer, R. & Lappegård, T. (2012). Relationship quality in marital and cohabiting unions across Europe (onlinelibrary.wiley.com). Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(3): 389–398.
Daatland, S. O., Herlofson, K. & Lima, I. A. (2011). Balancing generations: On the strength and character of family norms in the West and East of Europe (cambridge.org). Ageing and Society, 31(7): 1159–1179.
Dommermuth, L., Klobas, J., & Lappegård, T. (2011). Now or later? The Theory of Planned Behavior and timing of fertility intentions (sciencedirect.com). Advances in Life Course Research, 16(1): 42–53.
Engvik, H., & Clausen, S. E. (2011). Norsk kortversjon av Big Five Inventory (BFI-20). Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening, 48(9): 869–872.
Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2011). Alder. In S. Næss, T. Moum & J. Eriksen (Eds.), Livskvalitet. Forskning om det gode liv (s. 137–154). Oslo: Fagbokforlaget.
Herlofson, K. & Hagestad, G. O. (2011). Challenges in moving from macro to micro: Population and family structures in ageing societies. Demographic Research, 25: 337–370.
Kotsadam, A. & Finseraas, H. (2011). The state intervenes in the battle of the sexes: Causal effects of paternity leave (sciencedirect.com). Social Science Research, 40(6): 1611−1622.
Solem, P. E. (2011). Ageing and social participation. I L. Larsen (red.), Geropsychology. The psychology of the ageing person (s. 97–122). Århus: Aarhus University Press.
Bergland, A., Thorsen, K. & Loland, N. W. (2010). The relationship between coping, self-esteem and health on outdoor walking ability among older adults in Norway (cambridge.org). Ageing & Society, 30: 949–963.
Blekesaune, M. & Veenstra, M. (2010). Helsesvikt og pensjoneringsatferd. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 13(2): 83–94.
Daatland, S. O., Veenstra, M. & Lima, I. A. (2010). Norwegian sandwiches: On the prevalence and consequences of family and work role squeezes over the life course (link.springer.com). European Journal of Ageing, 7(4):271–281.
Hansen, T., Slagsvold, B. & Moum, T. (2009). Childlessness and psychological well-being in midlife and old age: An examination of parental status effects across a range of outcomes (link.springer.com). Social Indicators Research, 94: 343–362.
Daatland, Svein Olav (2009). How to balance generations: Solidarity dilemmas in a European perspective. I R. Edmondson & H. J. von Kondratowitz (red.) Valuing Older People. A Humanist Approach to Ageing (s. 123–138). Policy Press.
Hansen, H., Slagsvold, B. & Moum, T. (2008). Financial satisfaction in old age: A satisfaction paradox or a result of accumulated wealth? (link.springer.com) Social Indicators Research, 89: 323–347.
Slagsvold, B. & Sørensen, A. (2008). Age, education, and the gender gap in the sense of control (journals.sagepub.com). The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 67(1): 25–42.
Solem, P. E. (2008). Age changes in subjective work ability. The International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 3(2): 43–70.
Daatland, S. O. (2007). Marital history and intergenerational solidarity: The impact of divorce and unmarried cohabitation. Journal of Social Issues, 63(4): 809–825.