Norwegian version
Alfhild Dihle

Alfhild Dihle

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Midical sciences   Nursing science

Scientific publications

Oelschlägel, Lina; Moen, Anne; Dihle, Alfhild ; Christensen, Vivi Lycke; Heggdal, Kristin; Österlind, Jane; Steindal, Simen Alexander (2024). Implementation of remote home care: assessment guided by the RE-AIM framework. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 24.

Olsen, Unni Solveig Johansen; Sellevold, Vibeke Bull; Gay, Caryl; Aamodt, Arild; Lerdal, Anners; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova ; Dihle, Alfhild ; Lindberg, Maren Falch (2024). Factors associated with pain and functional impairment five years after total knee arthroplasty: a prospective observational study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. Vol. 25.

Grue, Mona Engum; Hofsø, Kristin; Dihle, Alfhild ; Steindal, Simen Alexander (2023). Sykepleieres erfaringer med oppstart av non-invasiv ventilasjonsbehandling på sengepost med intermediærstue: En kvalitativ studie. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning. Vol. 19.

Steindal, Simen Alexander; Nes, Andrea; Godskesen, Tove; Holmen, Heidi ; Winger, Anette ; Österlind, Jane; Dihle, Alfhild ; Klarare, Anna (2023). Advantages and Challenges of Using Telehealth for Home-Based Palliative Care: A Systematic Mixed Studies Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). Vol. 25.

Sellevold, Vibeke Bull; Olsen, Unni; Lindberg, Maren Falch; Steindal, Simen Alexander; Aamodt, Arild; Lerdal, Anners; Dihle, Alfhild (2023). “I am accustomed to something in my body causing pain”: A qualitative study of knee replacement non-improvers’ stories of previous painful and stressful experiences. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. Vol. 24.

Oelschlägel, Lina; Christensen, Vivi Lycke; Moen, Anne; Heggdal, Kristin; Österlind, Jane; Dihle, Alfhild ; Steindal, Simen Alexander (2022). Patients' experiences with a welfare technology application for remote home care: A longitudinal study. 14 p. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

Sellevold, Vibeke Bull; Steindal, Simen Alexander; Lindberg, Maren Falch; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova ; Aamodt, Arild; Lerdal, Anners; Dihle, Alfhild (2022). Many Patients with Persistent Pain One Year After TKA Report Improvement by 5-7 years: A Mixed Methods Study. 13 p. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. Vol. 480.

Olsby, Jim Harald; Dihle, Alfhild ; Hofsø, Kristin; Steindal, Simen Alexander (2022). Intensive care nurses’ experiences using volatile anaesthetics in the intensive care unit: An exploratory study. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing.

Steindal, Simen Alexander; Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves; Godskesen, Tove E; Lind, Susanne; Dihle, Alfhild ; Winger, Anette ; Österlind, Jane; Pettersen, Fredrik Solvang; Holmen, Heidi ; Klarare, Anna (2021). Advantages and Challenges in Using Telehealth for Home-Based Palliative Care: Protocol for a Systematic Mixed Studies Review. JMIR Research Protocols. Vol. 10.

Kleiverud, Stein Gunnar; Eriksrud, Magnus Lund; Steindal, Simen Alexander; Dihle, Alfhild (2021). Elektroencefalogram og spektrogram: Anestesisykepleieres erfaringer med et nytt verktøy for søvndybdemåling under generell anestesi. Inspira – tidsskrift for anestesi-, operasjon- og intensivsykepleiere. Vol. 16.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete