Norwegian version
Anette Winger

Anette Winger


Professor in palliative care for children and adolescents. Winger has her clinical experience as a nurse from children´s wards for premature babies, children with cancer, a outpatient clinic for children and from a pain clinic treating both children, adolescents and adults.

Leader of the Children in Palliative Care network (CHIP), holding members from higher education, clinicians, research, and user representatives. Also leader of a Nordic research collaboration with members from all the Nordic countries. 

Her fields of expertice are palliative care for children and adolescents, health technology, health care professionals and CFS/ME in adolescents. Educates health care professionals in pediatric palliative care.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Health sciences   Epidemiology, medical and dental statistics   Paediatrics

Subject areas

Pain   Children and young people   Palliative care   Technology of health

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Scientific publications

Kittelsen, Trine Brun ; Castor, Charlotte; Lee, Anja ; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal ; Winger, Anette (2024). Focusing on life rather than illness: the lived experience of children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions—a qualitative study. Palliative Care & Social Practice. Vol. 18.

Kittelsen, Trine Brun ; Bruun Lorentsen, Vibeke; Castor, Charlotte; Lee, Anja ; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal ; Winger, Anette (2024). It's about living a normal life: parents' quality of life when their child has a life-threatening or life-limiting condition - a qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care. Vol. 23.

Kittelsen, Trine Brun ; Castor, Charlotte; Lee, Anja ; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal ; Winger, Anette (2024). “What about me?”: lived experiences of siblings living with a brother or sister with a life-threatening or life-limiting condition. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. Vol. 19.

Jensen, Claus Sixtus; Holmen, Heidi ; Winger, Anette ; Eg, Marianne (2024). Signs and symptoms in hospitalized children and adolescents' triggering nurses' awareness–A qualitative study across Denmark and Norway. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Vol. 161.

Steindal, Simen Alexander; Klarare, Anna; Strøm, Benedicte Sørensen; Holmen, Heidi ; Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves; Winger, Anette ; Godskesen, Tove (2024). Ethical Considerations regarding Digital Health Services in Home-based Palliative Care: A sub-analysis of two reviews. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing.

Winger, Anette ; Holmen, Heidi ; Birgisdóttir, Dröfn; Lykke, Camilla; Lövgren, Malin; Neergaard, Mette Asbjoern; Grönroos, Marika; Kero, Johanna; Kristinsdóttir, Oddný; Pétursdóttir, Ásta Bjarney; Castor, Charlotte (2024). Children with palliative care needs – the landscape of the nordic countries. BMC Palliative Care. Vol. 23.

Kynø, Nina M ; Winger, Anette ; Svendsen, Edel Jannecke ; Børsting, Tove Elisabet A.M. (2024). Social Responsibility and Commitment to Children; Pediatric Nurses’ Experiences With Redeployment During the First Wave of COVID-19: A Qualitative Study. 8 p. INQUIRY (INQ). Vol. 61.

Holmen, Heidi ; Steindal, Simen Alexander; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal ; Winger, Anette (2024). Topp ti prioriterte forskningsområder innenfor barnepalliasjon i Norge. Sykepleien Forskning.

Holmen, Heidi ; Flølo, Tone Nygaard ; Tørris, Christine ; Løyland, Borghild ; Almendingen, Kari ; Bjørnnes, Ann Kristin ; Albertini Früh, Elena ; Grov, Ellen Karine ; Helseth, Sølvi ; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal ; Malambo, Rosah ; Misvær, Nina ; Rasalingam, Anurajee ; Riiser, Kirsti ; Sandbekken, Ida Hellum ; Schippert, Ana Carla Soares Portugal ; Sparboe-Nilsen, Bente ; Bigum Sundar, Turid Kristin ; Sæterstrand, Torill Margaret; Utne, Inger ; Valla, Lisbeth ; Winger, Anette ; Torbjørnsen, Astrid (2023). Unpacking the Public Health Triad of Social Inequality in Health, Health Literacy, and Quality of Life—A Scoping Review of Research Characteristics. 19 p. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Vol. 21.

Holmen, Heidi ; Winger, Anette ; Steindal, Simen Alexander; Riiser, Kirsti ; Castor, Charlotte; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal ; Mariussen, Kari; Lee, Anja (2023). Patient-reported outcome measures in children, adolescents, and young adults with palliative care needs—a scoping review. 17 p. BMC Palliative Care. Vol. 22.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete