My research interests are physical activity, health-related quality of life and health literacy in children and adolescents. I teach and supervise students at bachelor-, master and PhD level in topics related young peoples health and quality of life. I am a member of the MUSKHealth research group and Quality of Life research group at OsloMet, a boardmember of the Norwegian national research network HELINOR (HEalth LIteracy NORway) and member of the national research networks LIVSFORSK and CHIP (Children in Palliative Care).
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Paediatrics Health service and health administration research Other health sciences Health sciences
Subject areas
Motivation Physical activity Fysioterapi Health Related Quality of Life Measuring physical activity Health behaviour Childhood obesity Health Literacy Intervention studies Pediatric Palliative Care
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Health technology in homebased palliative care for children (CHIP homeTec)
We will conduct an investigation of aspects relevant for the design of digital solutions to support communication for children, families and healthcare personnel in homebased palliative care for children.
HEYoung intervention study
The project will co-develop an intervention with end-users and conduct the initial stages of a full-scale RCT on the effectiveness of a person-centered intervention for adolescents with persistent pain.
Improving practices together (IMPRATO)
We will explore and develop knowledge about collaboration aimed at promoting participation in physical education for children and young people.
MUSKHEL - Musculoskeletal Health Literacy in Adolescents
The MUSKHEL project will respond to the need of increased knowledge of musculoskeletal health literacy in adolescents.
Optimising health literacy amongst parents with immigrant backgrounds (OPAL)
The aim of the OPAL project is to develop knowledge about the health literacy of parents with immigrant backgrounds, as well as design and evaluate solutions to promote their health literacy.
Completed research projects
Young and active – meaningful physical activity to improve physical fitness and enhance health-related quality of life
Can web-based activity and exercise registration and counselling increase the activity level and enhance the health of overweight and obese adolescents?
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Holmen, Heidi ; Flølo, Tone Nygaard ; Tørris, Christine ; Torbjørnsen, Astrid ; Almendingen, Kari ; Riiser, Kirsti (2025). The role of health literacy in intervention studies targeting children living with overweight or obesity and their parents—a systematic mixed methods review. Frontiers in Pediatrics.
Göthner, Anniken Elisabet Bjørndalen;
Riiser, Kirsti
Tveten, Kine Melfald
Validity of the Alberta Infants Motor Scale in Norwegian infants aged 6–9 months through comparison with Canadian and Dutch scores.
9 p.
Frontiers in Pediatrics.
Vol. 12.
Schröder, Judith;
Riiser, Kirsti
Holmen, Heidi
Healthcare personnel’s perspectives on health technology in home-based pediatric palliative care: a qualitative study.
10 p.
BMC Palliative Care.
Vol. 23.
Schröder, Judith;
Riiser, Kirsti
Holmen, Heidi
The needs of healthcare personnel who provide home-based pediatric palliative care: a mixed method systematic review.
11 p.
BMC Health Services Research.
Vol. 24.
Bjørnsen, Hanne Nissen; Haugen, Anders L Hage ; Riiser, Kirsti (2024). Helsekompetanse i skolen. Helseth, Sølvi; Pettersen, Kjell Sverre; Wahl, Astrid Klopstad (Ed.). Helsekompetanse Teori, forskning og praksis. p. 206-212. Fagbokforlaget.
Tveten, Kine Melfald
; Olsen, Silje Aasjord;
Riiser, Kirsti
Å teste eller ikke teste? - En studie av norske fysioterapeuters praksis for kartlegging av motorisk funksjon.
Vol. 91.
Paulsen, Henriette
; Ljungblad, Ulf Wike;
Riiser, Kirsti
Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik
Early neurological and motor function in infants born moderate to late preterm or small for gestational age at term: a prospective cohort study.
BMC Pediatrics.
Vol. 23.
Veshovda, Solveig
Eik, Hedda
; Andersen, Marit Helen;
Jahre, Henriette
Riiser, Kirsti
Health literacy and musculoskeletal disorders in adolescents: a scoping review.
11 p.
BMJ Open.
Vol. 13.
Holmen, Heidi
Winger, Anette
; Steindal, Simen Alexander;
Riiser, Kirsti
; Castor, Charlotte;
Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal
; Mariussen, Kari;
Lee, Anja
Patient-reported outcome measures in children, adolescents, and young adults with palliative care needs—a scoping review.
17 p.
BMC Palliative Care.
Vol. 22.
Riiser, Kirsti
Kalleson, Runa
Holmen, Heidi
Torbjørnsen, Astrid
Integrating research in health professions education: a scoping review.
BMC Medical Education.
Vol. 23.