Norwegian version
Siv Lund

Siv Lund

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Subject didactics

Scientific publications

Walseth, Kristin ; Langnes, Tonje Fjogstad ; Lund, Siv ; Bratten, Judith Helene (2024). Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid om Folkehelse og livsmestring i skolen. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO). Vol. 18.

Esser-Noethlichs, Marc ; Lund, Siv ; Bjørke, Lars (2024). ‘Facilitating change from within’: investigating students’ experiences of using core reflection in physical education teacher education. 15 p. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.

Lund, Siv ; Riiser, Kirsti ; Løndal, Knut (2023). Children`s Experiences with Outdoor, Physically Active Play in After-School Programs. American Journal of Play. Vol. 15.

Løndal, Knut ; Lund, Siv ; Haugen, Anders L. Hage ; Riiser, Kirsti (2021). First graders’ stationary behavior in Norwegian after-school programs: A mixed methods investigation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Vol. 18.

Lund, Siv (2021). Fysisk aktivt lekende intervju. Fasting, Merete Lund; Skreland, Lisbeth Ljosdal; Kampmann, Jan (Ed.). Å forske blant barn : Kvalitative metoder. p. 36-54. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Løndal, Knut ; Haugen, Anders L. Hage ; Lund, Siv ; Riiser, Kirsti (2020). Physical activity of first graders in Norwegian after-school programs: A relevant contribution to the development of motor competencies and learning of movements? Investigated utilizing a mixed methods approach. 16 p. PLOS ONE. Vol. 15.

Riiser, Kirsti ; Richardsen, Kåre Rønn ; Haugen, Anders L. Hage ; Lund, Siv ; Løndal, Knut (2020). Active play in ASP-a matched-pair cluster-randomized trial investigating the effectiveness of an intervention in after-school programs for supporting children's physical activity. BMC Public Health. Vol. 20:500.

Riiser, Kirsti ; Haugen, Anders Lund ; Lund, Siv ; Løndal, Knut (2019). Physical Activity in Young Schoolchildren in After School Programs. Journal of School Health. Vol. 89.

Lund, Siv ; Løndal, Knut (2017). Fysisk aktivitet i Aktivitetsskolen. Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden. Vol. 35.

Løndal, Knut ; Lund, Siv ; Bergsjø, Carl-Henrik (2016). Tilrettelegging for fysisk aktivitet i skolefritidsordningen i Oslo. FoU i praksis. Vol. 10.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete