Norwegian version
Lise Porsanger

Lise Porsanger

Scientific publications

Porsanger, Lise (2024). Læreres sikkerhetspraksis. Røynesdal, Øystein; Thorjussen, Ingfrid M. (Ed.). Kroppsøving i praksis: læreplanbegreper, klasseledelse og undervisningsmetode. p. 111-124. Universitetsforlaget.

Porsanger, Lise ; Horgen, André; Leirhaug, Petter Erik (2024). Uaktsomhet i kroppsøving: En kritisk diskursanalyse av rettsavgjørelser. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education. Vol. 8.

Porsanger, Lise ; Hansen Sandseter, Ellen Beate (2021). Risk and Safety Management in Physical Education: Teachers’ Perceptions. 14 p. Education Sciences. Vol. 11.

Porsanger, Lise (2021). Risk and safety management in physical education: teachers’ knowledge. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.

Porsanger, Lise ; Magnussen, Leif Inge (2021). Risk and Safety Management in Physical Education: A Study of Teachers' Practice Perspectives. 13 p. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. Vol. 3.

Porsanger, Lise (2020). The reconstruction of physical education teachers: A critical discourse analysis of regulative texts. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education. Vol. 4.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete