Norwegian version
Jolanta Kilanowska

Jolanta Kilanowska

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Scientific publications

Langnes, Tonje Fjogstad ; Kilanowska, Jolanta ; Walseth, Kristin ; Oliver, Kimberly (2024). Opening our eyes to student-centered practice. Learning from preservice teachers' experiences. Shilcutt, Jackie; Oliver, Kimberly; Luguetti, Carla (Ed.). An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity. Imagining What Might Be. Routledge.

Bratten, Judith Helene ; Kilanowska, Jolanta (2023). Aktiviteter med lav puls og liten kraft. Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Jordet, Arne N. Nikolaisen (Ed.). Et anerkjennende kroppsøvingsfag . p. 186-207. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Bratten, Judith Helene ; Kilanowska, Jolanta (2021). Physical education and new forms of activity following the implementation of the core curriculum in Norway in 2020. Journal of Education, Health and Sport formerly Journal of Health Sciences. Vol. 11.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete