Norwegian version
Knut Løndal

Knut Løndal

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Other health sciences   Subject didactics

Subject areas

Play   Qualitative methodologies   Physical activity   Physical education   Playground   Children and young people   After-school program   Children and movement   Body and learning

Research projects

Scientific publications

Askildsen, Carl-Emil Marstrander ; Aggerholm, Kenneth; Løndal, Knut (2024). Discontinuity, risk, patience, and appeal: existential aspects of practising in physical education. 15 p. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.

Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Aasland, Erik ; Løndal, Knut (2023). Krenkelser og patologier i norsk kroppsøving - En kunnskapsgjennomgang. Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Jordet, Arne N. Nikolaisen (Ed.). Et anerkjennende kroppsøvingsfag . p. 53-79. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Lund, Siv ; Riiser, Kirsti ; Løndal, Knut (2023). Children`s Experiences with Outdoor, Physically Active Play in After-School Programs. American Journal of Play. Vol. 15.

Askildsen, Carl-Emil Marstrander ; Løndal, Knut (2023). Practising in physical education: A study of a teacher's experiences and role enactment. European Physical Education Review.

Esser-Noethlichs, Marc ; Løndal, Knut (2022). Didactics in Organised Sport and Physical Education in Norway -- Several Concepts with Unclear Boundaries,. Höger, Brigitta; Kleiner, Konrad (Ed.). Sports Didactics in Europe History, Current Trends and Future Developments. p. 195-216. Waxmann Verlag.

Løndal, Knut ; Lund, Siv ; Haugen, Anders L. Hage ; Riiser, Kirsti (2021). First graders’ stationary behavior in Norwegian after-school programs: A mixed methods investigation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Vol. 18.

Winje, Øystein; Løndal, Knut (2021). Theoretical and practical, but rarely integrated: Norwegian primary school teachers’ intentions and practices of teaching outside the classroom. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education (JOEE). Vol. 24.

Winje, Øystein; Løndal, Knut (2021). ‘Wow! is that a birch leaf? In the picture it looked totally different’: a pragmatist perspective on deep learning in Norwegian ‘uteskole’. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education.

Løndal, Knut ; Borgen, Jorunn Spord; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Hallås, Bjørg Oddrun; Gjølme, Egil Galaaen (2021). Forskning for fremtiden? En oversiktsstudie av empirisk forskning på det norske skolefaget kroppsøving i perioden 2010-2019. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education. Vol. 5.

Winje, Øystein; Løndal, Knut (2020). Bringing deep learning to the surface: A systematic mapping review of 48 years of research in primary and secondary education. 16 p. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). Vol. 4.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete