Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Learning Psychometrics / Applied statistics Motivation Learning strategies Teachers' Professional Qualification Digital literacy
Research groups
Research projects
Developing ICT in Teacher Education (DiCTE)
The overarching aim of the project is to develop ICT in teacher education.
Literacies for Health and Life Skills
The “Literacies for Health and Life Skills” (HLS) project aims to develop and implement a new didactic approach that will enable pre-service teachers to facilitate the development of young people´s health and life skills.
Teacher Education for a Future in Flux - TEFF Academy
An international research project addressing the need for joint training and further education that help teachers cope with recent challenges in schools.
Teacher Qualification for the 21st century - teachers professional competence (TEQ21)
Future school and society are characterized by rapid changes and technological development, which in turn demand new competences such as creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. In order to meet these challenges, teacher education programmes need to educate professional teachers who can educate pupils for the future.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Hatlevik, Ove Edvard
Bjarnø, Vibeke
Examining the role of student teachers' perceived usefulness of ICT and resilience to digital distractions on their evaluation of online information.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL).
Johannesen, Monica
Øgrim, Leikny
Hatlevik, Ove Edvard
Teachers’ Professional Digital Competence – The Neglected Management of Technology-rich Classrooms?.
17 p.
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy.
Vol. 19.
Elnes, Magdalena; Hansen, Joakim Evensen; Lervåg, Arne Ola;
Hatlevik, Ove Edvard
; Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
Verbal and non-verbal skills in early childhood: dimensionality, developmental trajectories, and gender differences.
Frontiers in Psychology.
Vol. 15.
Hatlevik, Ove Edvard
; Radtke, Ingrid; Utgård, Katrine
Exploring educatorsʼ perceived possibilities and obstacles related to access and use of ICT: Revealing the digital divide in Norwegian Adult Education centres.
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy.
Smestad, Bjørn
Hatlevik, Ove Edvard
Johannesen, Monica
Øgrim, Leikny
Examining dimensions of teachers’ digital competence: A systematic review pre- and during COVID-19.
Vol. 9.
Haugen, Anders L. Hage
Esser-Noethlichs, Marc
Riiser, Kirsti
Hatlevik, Ove Edvard
Understanding Critical Health Literacy Among Adolescents: Psychometric Properties of the CHLA Questionnaire in Lower Secondary Schools in Norway.
Journal of School Health.
Haugen, Anders L. Hage
Riiser, Kirsti
Esser-Noethlichs, Marc
Hatlevik, Ove Edvard
Fostering pupils’ critical health literacy: examining the potential of physical education in lower secondary school.
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living.
Vol. 5.
Rohatgi, Anubha;
Hatlevik, Ove Edvard
; Bjørnsson, Julius Kristjan
Supportive climates and science
achievement in the Nordic countries: lessons
learned from the 2015 PISA study.
27 p.
Large-scale Assessments in Education.
Vol. 10.
Ramlo, Siri Husa; Hatlevik, Ove Edvard ; Utvær, Britt Karin Støen (2022). Didaktisk bruk av MOOC som digital læringsressurs innenfor yrkesfaglærerutdanning. Utvær, Britt Karin Støen; Morud, Elin Bø; Hansen, Kari; Rokkones, Klara; Firing, Kristian (Ed.). Å bygge broer: samarbeid på tvers i yrkesfag . p. 72-89. Universitetsforlaget.
Haugen, Anders L. Hage
Riiser, Kirsti
Esser-Noethlichs, Marc
Hatlevik, Ove Edvard
Developing Indicators to Measure Critical Health Literacy in
the Context of Norwegian Lower Secondary Schools.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH).
Vol. 19.