Norwegian version
Monica Johannesen

Monica Johannesen

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Other subjects within education   Social sciences   Other information technology   Education   Technology   Information and communication technology

Subject areas

Educational management   Internet-based learning   Digital literacy   Professional digital competence   Digitization for learning

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Johannesen, Monica ; Øgrim, Leikny ; Hatlevik, Ove Edvard (2024). Teachers’ Professional Digital Competence – The Neglected Management of Technology-rich Classrooms?. 17 p. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. Vol. 19.

Smestad, Bjørn ; Hatlevik, Ove Edvard ; Johannesen, Monica ; Øgrim, Leikny (2023). Examining dimensions of teachers’ digital competence: A systematic review pre- and during COVID-19. Heliyon. Vol. 9.

Øgrim, Leikny ; Johannesen, Monica (2023). Den digitale skolehverdagen - Profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse. Thorsen, Kirsten; Christensen, Hanne; Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen (Ed.). Jeg er lærer. Reflektert, analytisk, kompetent. p. 209-224. Fagbokforlaget.

Goldshaft, Beverley; Sjølie, Ela; Johannesen, Monica (2022). Student teachers’ research and development (R&D) practice - constraining and supporting practice architectures. Pedagogy, Culture & Society. Vol. 32.

Carm, Ellen ; Johannesen, Monica ; Luitel, Bal Chandra; Øgrim, Leikny ; Phyak, Prem (2021). Reflections and Culminations. Carm, Ellen; Johannesen, Monica; Luitel, Bal Chandra; Øgrim, Leikny; Phyak, Prem (Ed.). Innovative Technologies and Pedagogical Shifts in Nepalese Higher Education. p. 253-261. Brill | Sense. 10.1163/9789004448865_014

Carm, Ellen ; Johannesen, Monica ; Øgrim, Leikny (2021). Appropriation of Online Distance Learning in Nepal. Carm, Ellen; Johannesen, Monica; Luitel, Bal Chandra; Øgrim, Leikny; Phyak, Prem (Ed.). Innovative Technologies and Pedagogical Shifts in Nepalese Higher Education. p. 42-61. Brill | Sense.

Carm, Ellen ; Johannesen, Monica ; Luitel, Bal Chandra; Øgrim, Leikny ; Phyak, Prem (2021). Innovative Technologies and Pedagogical Shifts in Nepalese Higher Education. ISBN: 9789004448865. 266 p. Brill | Sense.

Tusiime, Wycliff Edwin ; Johannesen, Monica ; Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk (2020). Teaching art and design in a digital age: challenges facing Ugandan teacher educators. Journal of Vocational Education and Training.

Habib, Laurence Marie Anna ; Johannesen, Monica (2020). The role of academic management in implementing technology-enhanced learning in Higher Education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Vol. 29.

Johannesen, Monica ; Øgrim, Leikny (2020). The role of multidisciplinarity in developing teachers’ professional digital competence. 17 p. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). Vol. 4.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete