Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Social sciences Information and communication technology Education
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Teacher Education for a Future in Flux - TEFF Academy
An international research project addressing the need for joint training and further education that help teachers cope with recent challenges in schools.
Completed research projects
Developing ICT in Teacher Education (DiCTE)
The overarching aim of the project is to develop ICT in teacher education.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Giæver, Tonje Hilde
Stokke, Ruth Seierstad
Røed, Dag Freddy
Læreres oppfatninger om å skrive seg til lesing med digital lydstøtte (STL+).
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy.
Vol. 10.
Engen, Bård Ketil ; Giæver, Tonje Hilde ; Mifsud, Louise (2021). Digital dømmekraft. ISBN: 9788205554467. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Milton, Josephine;
Giæver, Tonje Hilde
Mifsud, Louise
; Gassó, Héctor Hernández
Awareness and knowledge of cyberethics: A study of pre-service teachers in Malta, Norway, and Spain.
19 p.
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE).
Vol. 5.
Giæver, Tonje Hilde ; Johannesen, Monica ; Øgrim, Leikny (2020). Klasseledelse med digitale verktøy: Hvem har regien – læreren, elevene eller digitale medier?. Christensen, Hanne; Ulleberg, Inger (Ed.). Klasseledelse, fag og danning. 2.utgave. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Giæver, Tonje Hilde ; Gjølstad, Eli (2019). Implementering av nettbrett i barnehagen. Jæger, Henriette; Sandvik, Margareth; Waterhouse, Ann-Hege Lorvik (Ed.). Digitale barnehagepraksiser Teknologier, medier og muligheter . Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Engen, Bård Ketil ; Giæver, Tonje Hilde ; Mifsud, Louise (2018). Wearable Technologies in the K-12 Classroom — Cross-disciplinary Possibilities and Privacy Pitfalls. The Journal of Interactive Learning Research. Vol. 29.
Engen, Bård Ketil ; Giæver, Tonje Hilde ; Mifsud, Louise (2018). ‘It’s a Fairy Tale’ Using Tablets for Creating Composite Texts. The Journal of Interactive Learning Research. Vol. 29.
Engen, Bård Ketil
Giæver, Tonje Hilde
Mifsud, Louise
Teaching and Learning with Wearable Technologies.
Dron, Jon; Mishra, Sanjaya (Ed.).
Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. p. 1057-1067.
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Engen, Bård Ketil
Giæver, Tonje Hilde
Mifsud, Louise
Collaborative Writing through iPad Sharing.
Dron, Jon; Mishra, Sanjaya (Ed.).
Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. p. 1691-1705.
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Engen, Bård Ketil ; Giæver, Tonje Hilde ; Mifsud, Louise (2017). Om å utøve digital dømmekraft. Engen, Bård Ketil; Giæver, Tonje Hilde; Mifsud, Louise (Ed.). Digital Dømmekraft. Gyldendal Akademisk.