Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
HEYoung intervention study
The project will co-develop an intervention with end-users and conduct the initial stages of a full-scale RCT on the effectiveness of a person-centered intervention for adolescents with persistent pain.
MUSKHEL - Musculoskeletal Health Literacy in Adolescents
The MUSKHEL project will respond to the need of increased knowledge of musculoskeletal health literacy in adolescents.
Young user involvement group in musculoskeletal health
This project will establish a young user-involvement group at the Centre for Intelligent Musculoskeletal Health (CIM).
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Grasaas, Erik; Ostojic, Sergej; Sandbakk, Øyvind Bucher; Bjørnsen, Gunn; Sylta, Øystein;
Major, Daniel Høgli
Jahre, Henriette
The relationship between perceived school stress and satisfaction with life among Norwegian school-based adolescents and the moderating role of perceived teacher care: a cross-sectional study.
9 p.
BMC Public Health.
Vol. 24.
Grasaas, Erik; Ostojic, Sergej;
Jahre, Henriette
Adherence to sleep recommendations is associated with higher satisfaction with life among Norwegian adolescents.
10 p.
BMC Public Health.
Vol. 24.
Grotle, Margreth
Smedbråten, Kaja
Richardsen, Kåre Rønn
Øiestad, Britt Elin
Jahre, Henriette
Pain and depressive symptoms among adolescents: prevalence and associations with achievement pressure and coping in the Norwegian Ungdata study.
BMC Public Health.
Vol. 24.
Khudair, Mohammed; Marcuzzi, Anna; Tempest, Gavin Daniel; Ng, Kwok; Peric, Ratko; Bartoš, František; Maier, Maximilian; Brandes, Mirko; Carlin, Angela; Ciaccioni, Simone; Cortis, Cristina; Corvino, Chiara; di Credico, Andrea; Drid, Patrik; Gallè, Francesca; Izzicupo, Pascal;
Jahre, Henriette
; Kolovelonis, Athanasios; Kongsvold, Atle; Kouidi, Evangelia; Mork, Paul Jarle; Palumbo, Federico; Rumbold, Penny Louise Sheena; Sandu, Petru; Stavnsbo, Mette; Syrmpas, Ioannis; Vilela, Sofia; Woods, Catherine; Wunsch, Kathrin; Capranica, Laura; MacDonncha, Ciaran; Ling, Fiona Chun Man; DE-PASS, DD
DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on the Effectiveness of Trials on Device-Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour and Their Determinants in Children Aged 5–12 Years.
Sports Medicine.
Ling, Fiona C M; Khudair, Mohammed; Ng, Kwok; Tempest, Gavin D.; Peric, Ratko; Bartoš, František; Maier, Maximilian; Brandes, Mirko; Carlin, Angela; Ciaccioni, Simone; Cortis, Cristina; Corvino, Chiara; Di Credico, Andrea; Drid, Patrik; Gallè, Francesca; Izzicupo, Pascal;
Jahre, Henriette
; Kolovelonis, Athanasios; Kongsvold, Atle; Kouidi, Evangelia; Mork, Paul Jarle; Palumbo, Federico; Rumbold, Penny L S; Sandu, Petru; Stavnsbo, Mette; Syrmpas, Ioannis; Vilela, Sofia; Woods, Catherine; Wunsch, Kathrin; Capranica, Laura; MacDonncha, Ciaran; Marcuzzi, Anna
DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): Determinants of self-report physical activity and sedentary behaviours in children in settings: A systematic review and meta-analyses.
Vol. 19.
Kolovelonis, Athanasios; Syrmpas, Ioannis; Marcuzzi, Anna; Khudair, Mohammed; Ng, Kwok; Tempest, Gavin Daniel; Peric, Ratko; Bartoš, František; Maier, Maximilian; Brandes, Mirko; Carlin, Angela; Ciaccioni, Simone; Cortis, Cristina; Corvino, Chiara; Di Credico, Andrea; Drid, Patrik; Gallè, Francesca; Izzicupo, Pascal;
Jahre, Henriette
; Kongsvold, Atle; Kouidi, Evangelia; Mork, Paul Jarle; Palumbo, Federico; Rumbold, Penny Louise Sheena; Sandu, Petru; Stavnsbo, Mette; Vilela, Sofia; Woods, Catherine; Wunsch, Kathrin; Capranica, Laura; MacDonncha, Ciaran; Ling, Fiona Chun Man
DE-PASS best evidence statement (BESt): determinants of adolescents’ device-based physical activity and sedentary behaviour in settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
26 p.
BMC Public Health.
Vol. 24.
Veshovda, Solveig
Eik, Hedda
; Andersen, Marit Helen;
Jahre, Henriette
Riiser, Kirsti
Health literacy and musculoskeletal disorders in adolescents: a scoping review.
11 p.
BMJ Open.
Vol. 13.
Smedbråten, Kaja
Grotle, Margreth
Jahre, Henriette
Richardsen, Kåre Rønn
; Côté, Pierre; Steingrimsdottir, Olöf Anna;
Storheim, Kjersti
; Nielsen, Christopher Sivert;
Øiestad, Britt Elin
Accumulation of health complaints is associated with persistent musculoskeletal pain two years later in adolescents: The Fit Futures Study.
13 p.
Vol. 17.
Smedbråten, Kaja
Grotle, Margreth
Jahre, Henriette
Richardsen, Kåre Rønn
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova
; Skillgate, Eva;
Øiestad, Britt Elin
Lifestyle behaviour in adolescence and musculoskeletal pain 11 years later: The Trøndelag Health Study.
12 p.
European Journal of Pain.
Vol. 26.
Jahre, Henriette
Grotle, Margreth
Smedbråten, Kaja
Richardsen, Kåre Rønn
; Côté, Pierre; Steingrímsdóttir, Ólöf Anna; Nielsen, Christopher Sivert;
Storheim, Kjersti
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova
Stensland, Synne
Øiestad, Britt Elin
Low social acceptance among peers increases the risk of persistent musculoskeletal pain in adolescents. Prospective data from the Fit Futures Study.
9 p.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.
Vol. 23.