Norwegian version
Anita Røysum

Anita Røysum


Profession; Social worker. Degrees in social work and sociology. PhD in the Study of Professions. Teaches these topics; Social work as a profession, science, and discipline. The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Offices (NAV). The social services in NAV. Activation and job inclusion. Social work with groups. Researching these themes; Social work as theory. Social work in the NAV system. Resourceful/skilled immigrant women. Activation processes. Integration. Islamophobia. Self-efficacy. Animal-assisted interventions (AAI). Dog-assisted therapy (DAT).

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social work   Sociology   Social sciences

Subject areas

Professional identity   History of social work   Animal-assisted interventions   Norwegian Labour and Welfare Offices   Work approach   Work inclusion   Inclusion and exclusion of miorities   Professional autonomy   Social Work and Knowledge   Intersectinality perspectives in social work   Female immigrant   Sociology of professions

Scientific publications

Røysum, Anita (2021). Resourceful female immigrants’ experiences of the Norwegian activation field. 13 p. Nordic Social Work Research. Vol. 13.

Røysum, Anita (2018). The job-seeking experiences of resourceful female immigrants and the impact on their self-efficacy beliefs. European Journal of Social Work. Vol. 23.

Røysum, Anita (2017). "How" we do social work, not "what" we do. Nordic Social Work Research. Vol. 7.

Røysum, Anita (2016). Arbeidsmoral forkledd som likestilling?. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. Vol. 33.

Røysum, Anita (2014). Kritisk og akademisk kunnskap: Er vi kun forkledde akademikere?. Fontene forskning.

Røysum, Anita (2014). Ubehaget ved å forenkle det komplekse. Ohnstad, Anbjørg; Rugkåsa, Marianne; Ylvisaker, Signe (Ed.). Ubehaget i sosialt arbeid. p. 141-159. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Røysum, Anita (2013). The reform of the welfare services in Norway: One Office - one way of thinking?. European Journal of Social Work. Vol. 16.

Røysum, Anita (2010). Nav-reformen: Sosialarbeidernes profesjon utfordres. Fontene forskning.

Røysum, Anita (2009). Ulike forståelser av helhetlig oppfølging i NAV?. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 12.

Røysum, Anita (2009). "Er NAV framtidens arena for sosionomene?", i: Sosialt arbeid. Tilbakeblikk - utfordringer - visjoner. Jubileumsskrift. Norsk sosionomforbund er 50 år. ISBN: 978-82-90858-06-8. 11 p. Fellesorganisasjonen (FO).

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete