Christen Krogh is rector at Oslo Metropolitan University, and is its chief academic and administrative officer. Furthermore, the rector also serves as the secretary for the university's board of directors.
Christen Krogh has a degree in computing science from Glasgow University (1988) og a doctoral degree in in philosophy from Oslo University (1996). He started his academic career at SINTEF in Oslo, where he later was pomoted to research director. From 2001 til 2011 he was Vice President of Engineering and Chief Development officer in Opera Software. He has also had positions with Gjøvik University College (later NTNU), University College of Oslo and Akershus (later OsloMet) and with the Norwegian Research Council. Prior to being appointed as Rector for Oslo Metropolitan University he was Pro-rector for Innovation at Kristiania University College. Christen Krogh has held a number of board positions. He is currently chairperson of the board for NGI - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Krogh, Christen
; Herrestad, Henning
Hohfeld in cyberspace and other applications of normative reasoning in agent technology.
Artificial Intelligence and Law.
Vol. 7.
Krogh, Christen ; Jones, Andrew J. I. (1998). Protocol breaches and violation flaws. NORMS, LOGICS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS. NEW STUDIES IN DEONTIC LOGIC AND COMPUTER SCIENCE. p. 265-274. IOS Press.
Krogh, Christen (1996). Normative Structure in Natural and Artificial Systems. ISBN: 8251836255. 212 p. TANO.
Krogh, Christen ; Herrestad, Henning (1995). Deontic logic relativised to bearers and counterparties. Bing, Jon; Torvund, Olav (Ed.). 25 Years Anniversary Anthology in Computers and Law. p. 453-522. Tano, Oslo.
Krogh, Christen (1995). Obligations in multiagent systems. Aamodt, Agnar; Komorowski, Jan (Ed.). SCAI'95: Fifth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence. p. 19-30. [Mangler utgivernavn].
Krogh, Christen ; Barron, Anne; Dahn, Bernd; Jones, Tricia; Latzina, Markus; Oxley, Nigel; Stefansdottir, Lara (1995). A model of interaction: In search of a holy grail. [Mangler etternavn], [Mangler fornavn] (Ed.). Automating instructional design: Computer-based development and delivery tools, NATO ASI Series, Series F: Computer an d Systems Sciences. p. 581-601. Springer.
Krogh, Christen
; Irgens, Morten; Trætteberg, Hallvard
A Novel Architecture For Traffic Control.
Olaussen, Lise Merete; Helli, Erik (Ed.).
The 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems. p. 75-81.
IEEE conference proceedings.