Fields of study
Subject areas
Urban and regional planning Sustainable transport Active transportation
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Piatkowski, Daniel
; Marshall, Wesley
Who wants to drive forever? Exploring attitudes toward driving and aging.
9 p.
Travel Behaviour & Society.
Vol. 33.
Hazelton-Boyle, Josephine K.;
Piatkowski, Daniel
How Prior Experience With Automated Technology Impacts Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicles Among Midwestern U.S. Farmers.
Public Works Management & Policy.
Al-Ramini, Ali; Takkallou, Mohammad;
Piatkowski, Daniel
; Alsaleem, Fadi
Quantifying changes in bicycle volumes using crowdsourced data.
Environment and planning. B: Urban analytics and city science.
Piatkowski, Daniel
; Bopp, Melissa
Increasing Bicycling for Tranpsortation: A systematic review of the literature.
Journal of urban planning and development.
Piatkowski, Daniel
Autonomous Shuttles: What do users expect and how will they use them?.
The Journal of urban technology.
Marshall, Wesley; Garrick, Norman;
Piatkowski, Daniel
; Newton, David
Community design, street networks, and public health.
Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J.; Haneen, Khreis (Ed.).
Advances in Transportation and Health.
Piatkowski, Daniel
Exploring Support for and Solutions to Family CABs (Chauffeur-Associated Burdens).
Transportation Research Record.
Piatkowski, Daniel
; Marshall, Wesley
More than just the helmet: The relationship between bicycle helmet use and non-bicycling risk-taking behaviors among American adolescents.
Travel Behaviour & Society.
Piatkowski, Daniel ; Piatkowski, Melissa Lorraine ; McCully, Justin (2020). Toward a Rural Vision Zero: A qualitative exploration of bicyclist and pedestrian traffic fatalities in small towns and rural areas in Nebraska. Great Plains Quarterly.
Rebentisch, Hannah; Wasfi, Rania;
Piatkowski, Daniel
; Manaugh, Kevin
Safe Streets for all? A Longitudinal analysis of the infrastructural response to pedestrian and cycling injuries and fatalities between 2009 and 2018 in New York City.
Transportation Research Record.