Norwegian version
Håvard Aaslund

Håvard Aaslund


Social worker with a master's degree in Social Work and PhD in Social Work and Social Policy. My teaching experience and research interest are related to the topics of social movements, homelessness, community work, social housing, critical pedagogy, action research, self-organization, participation and supervision. I am also particularly interested in social work practise from an international perspective, and in the face of new challenges such as pandemics, protest movements and changes in the welfare state. I teach the courses Work, Health and Housing (SOS2130), Social Work Theories (SSA4000) and Action Research and Practice Research (SP9250).

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social work

Subject areas

Action research   New Social Movements   Collective action   Community work   Marginalisering   User involvement   Housing competence

Scientific publications

Aaslund, Håvard ; Luteberget, Laila ; Seim, Sissel ; Slettebø, Tor (2024). Er det rom for brukermedvirkning for personer i sårbare posisjoner?. Aaslund, Håvard; Luteberget, Laila; Seim, Sissel; Slettebø, Tor (Ed.). Brukermedvirkning for personer i sårbare posisjoner. p. 250-262. Universitetsforlaget.

Aaslund, Håvard ; Seim, Sissel (2024). Kollektiv medvirkning blant marginaliserte på bolig- og arbeidsmarkedet: Hvordan de lykkes, og hvorfor de mislykkes. Aaslund, Håvard; Luteberget, Laila; Seim, Sissel; Slettebø, Tor (Ed.). Brukermedvirkning for personer i sårbare posisjoner. Universitetsforlaget.

Slettebø, Tor ; Aaslund, Håvard ; Luteberget, Laila ; Seim, Sissel (2024). Teoretiske perspektiver på brukermedvirkning. Aaslund, Håvard; Luteberget, Laila; Seim, Sissel; Slettebø, Tor (Ed.). Brukermedvirkning for personer i sårbare posisjoner. p. 19-47. Universitetsforlaget.

Aaslund, Håvard ; Luteberget, Laila ; Seim, Sissel ; Slettebø, Tor (2024). Brukermedvirkning for personer i sårbare posisjoner. ISBN: 9788215071046. 293 p. Universitetsforlaget.

Aaslund, Håvard (2023). Can service users speak? Dissenting voices and subaltern speech in social work. Qualitative Social Work.

Aaslund, Håvard (2022). "Nu är det väl revolution på gång?" - medvirkning , medborgerskap og menneskerettigheter blant mennesker som mangler bolig. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid. Vol. 19.

Selseng, Lillian Bruland; Follevåg, Brit Marie; Aaslund, Håvard (2021). How People with Lived Experiences of Substance Use Understand and Experience User Involvement in Substance Use Care: A Synthesis of Qualitative Studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Vol. 18:10219.

Zaidi, Mariam; Aaslund, Håvard (2021). Pedagogy of the protest: teaching social workers about collective action and the social policy context. 16 p. Social Work & Society. Vol. 19.

Syrstad, Ellen ; Aaslund, Håvard (2021). Hvilke posisjoner kan være vanskelige å innta i forskning for medforskere som er avhengige av hjelpeapparatet? Om samskapingsprosesser med medforskere fra marginaliserte grupper. 12 p. Akademisk Kvarter. Vol. 23.

Aaslund, Håvard ; Pruim, Eelke (2020). Two tales of community work: Social workers’ experiences of role changes in the Netherlands and Norway. 23 p. Journal of Comparative Social Work. Vol. 15.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete