Norwegian version
Sidsel Therese Natland

Sidsel Therese Natland

Fields of study

Subject areas

User participation   Cultural studies   Teacher professional development   Sosialt arbeid

Scientific publications

Natland, Sidsel Therese ; Wathne, Kjetil ; Hansen, Ragnhild (2024). The meaning of social work leadership. A local development process to enhance social services and reduce school dropout. Social Work Education.

Wathne, Kjetil ; Natland, Sidsel ; Hansen, Ragnhild (2024). The great divide: state vs municipality in local welfare administration in Norway. 18 p. Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Vol. 65.

Driessens, Kristel; Natland, Sidsel ; Lyssens-Danneboom, Vicky (2024). Social Innovation and Service Users' Involvement: Enhancing the Knowledge of Social Work. Wilken, Jean Pierre; Parpan-Blaser, Anne; Prosser, Sarah Dallas; van der Pas, Suzan; Jansen, Erik (Ed.). Social Work and Social Innovation Emerging Trends and Challenges for Practice, Policy and Education in Europe. Policy Press.

Austin, Michael J.; McBeath, Bowen; Bin, Xu; Muurinen, Heidi; Natland, Sidsel ; Roose, Rudi (2024). Organizational Supports for Practice Research: Illustrations from an International Practice Research Collaborative. Research on social work practice.

Natland, Sidsel (2022). Praksisforskning som arena for vidensproduktion – med særligt fokus på brugerinvolvering. Moesby-Jensen, Cecilie K.; Nielsen, Helle Schjellerup (Ed.). p. 65-85. Frydenlund Academic.

Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira ; Natland, Sidsel (2021). An FGC evaluation in Adult Contexts-Benefits of a Mixed Methods Study Design. de Roo, Annie; Jagtenberg, Rob (Ed.). Family Group Conference Research, Reflections and ways forward. Eleven International Publishing.

Natland, Sidsel (2021). Dialogue, skills and trust. Some lessons learned from co-writing with service users. Driessens, Kristel; Lyssens-Danneboom, Vicky (Ed.). Involving Service Users in Social Work Education, Research and Policy - A Comparative European Analysis. Policy Press.

Natland, Sidsel ; Johannessen, Asbjørn (2020). Det er noe med den personlige egnetheten... Arbeidsgiveres vurderinger av uformelle kompetanser og deres betydning for ansettelser innen helse- og sosialfeltet. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 23.

Natland, Sidsel (2020). "Recently, I have felt like a service user again": conflicts in collaborative research, a case from Norway. McLaughlin, Hugh; Beresford, Peter; Cameron, Colin; Casey, Helen; Duffy, Joe (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Service User Involvement in Human Services Research and Education. p. 467-476. Routledge.

Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Natland, Sidsel (2020). The meaning of professionalism in activation work: frontline managers’ perspectives. 13 p. European Journal of Social Work.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete