Fields of study
Subject areas
User participation Cultural studies Teacher professional development Sosialt arbeid
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Natland, Sidsel Therese
Wathne, Kjetil
Hansen, Ragnhild
The meaning of social work leadership. A local development process to enhance social services and reduce school dropout.
Social Work Education.
Wathne, Kjetil
Natland, Sidsel
Hansen, Ragnhild
The great divide: state vs municipality in local welfare administration in Norway.
18 p.
Problemy Polityki Społecznej.
Vol. 65.
Driessens, Kristel; Natland, Sidsel ; Lyssens-Danneboom, Vicky (2024). Social Innovation and Service Users' Involvement: Enhancing the Knowledge of Social Work. Wilken, Jean Pierre; Parpan-Blaser, Anne; Prosser, Sarah Dallas; van der Pas, Suzan; Jansen, Erik (Ed.). Social Work and Social Innovation Emerging Trends and Challenges for Practice, Policy and Education in Europe. Policy Press.
Austin, Michael J.; McBeath, Bowen; Bin, Xu; Muurinen, Heidi;
Natland, Sidsel
; Roose, Rudi
Organizational Supports for Practice Research: Illustrations from an International Practice Research Collaborative.
Research on social work practice.
Natland, Sidsel (2022). Praksisforskning som arena for vidensproduktion – med særligt fokus på brugerinvolvering. Moesby-Jensen, Cecilie K.; Nielsen, Helle Schjellerup (Ed.). p. 65-85. Frydenlund Academic.
Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira ; Natland, Sidsel (2021). An FGC evaluation in Adult Contexts-Benefits of a Mixed Methods Study Design. de Roo, Annie; Jagtenberg, Rob (Ed.). Family Group Conference Research, Reflections and ways forward. Eleven International Publishing.
Natland, Sidsel (2021). Dialogue, skills and trust. Some lessons learned from co-writing with service users. Driessens, Kristel; Lyssens-Danneboom, Vicky (Ed.). Involving Service Users in Social Work Education, Research and Policy - A Comparative European Analysis. Policy Press.
Natland, Sidsel
Johannessen, Asbjørn
Det er noe med den personlige egnetheten... Arbeidsgiveres vurderinger av uformelle kompetanser og deres betydning for ansettelser innen helse- og sosialfeltet.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.
Vol. 23.
Natland, Sidsel (2020). "Recently, I have felt like a service user again": conflicts in collaborative research, a case from Norway. McLaughlin, Hugh; Beresford, Peter; Cameron, Colin; Casey, Helen; Duffy, Joe (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Service User Involvement in Human Services Research and Education. p. 467-476. Routledge.
Andreassen, Tone Alm
Natland, Sidsel
The meaning of professionalism in activation work: frontline managers’ perspectives.
13 p.
European Journal of Social Work.