Norwegian version
Tone Alm Andreassen

Tone Alm Andreassen


I am a sociologist with a dr.polit. from the University of Oslo. My research interests are the role of professions in the welfare sector, street-level organizations, public sector reform and reform implementation, service user involvement, service integration, inter-organizational collaboration and networks. Related topics are activation work and work (re)integration, disability and discrimination in the labour market.

Together with Espen Dahl and Therese Saltkjel, I have headed Integrate, a core research group on coordinated assistance to enable integrated and coherent pathways to work for groups on the margins of the labour market.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social sciences

Subject areas

Disability   User participation   NGOs   Health and welfare politics   Sociology of organizations   Interorganizational relations   Implementation Science   The Norwegian employment and welfare reform   Activation policies

Research groups

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Breit, Eric ; Saltkjel, Therese (2024). Providing individualized services under complex conditions: A configurational analysis of street-level organizations. 25 p. Public Administration.

Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Breit, Eric (2024). Professional responses to exogenous change: the social work profession and the jurisdictional domain opened up by the Norwegian welfare-to-work reform. 23 p. Nordic Social Work Research. Vol. 14.

Rønningstad, Chris; Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Breit, Eric ; Minas, Renate (2023). Reform Pathways for Integrating Employment Assistance to Marginalised Groups. Baehler, Karen J. (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of governance and public management for social policy. Oxford University Press.

Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Breit, Eric ; Saltkjel, Therese (2022). Inkludering, antidiskriminering eller aktivering: Hvordan politikk for økt arbeidslivsdeltakelse studeres fra ulike forskningstradisjoner. Saltkjel, Therese; Rønningstad, Chris Andre; Sønderskov, Mette (Ed.). Samhandling og inkludering i arbeidslivet . p. 41-71. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Breit, Eric Martin Alexander ; Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Fossestøl, Knut (2022). Development of hybrid professionalism: street-level managers’ work and the enabling conditions of public reform. 23 p. Public Management Review.

Klemsdal, Lars; Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Breit, Eric Martin Alexander (2022). Resisting or Facilitating Change? How Street-Level Managers’ SituationalWork Contributes to the Implementation of Public Reforms. 13 p. Journal of public administration research and theory. Vol. 32.

Saltkjel, Therese ; Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Minkman, Mirella (2022). Conceptualising service integration for inclusive activation: Exploring transferal and translation of models from health care. 14 p. International Journal of Social Welfare.

Breit, Eric Martin Alexander ; Andreassen, Tone Alm (2021). Organisatoriske blikk på samarbeid i velferdstjenester. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.

Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Koren Solvang, Per (2021). Returning to work or working on one’s rehabilitation: Social identities invoked by impaired workers and professionals in health care and employment services. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Saltkjel, Therese ; Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Helseth, Sølvi ; Minas, Renate (2021). A scoping review of research on coordinated pathways towards employment for youth in vulnerable life situations. European Journal of Social Work.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete