Dr. Jørn Holm-Hansen is a scientist and senior researcher/research professor. His main academic field of work is politics and public administration in East and Central European states, notably Russia, Ukraine and Poland. Holm-Hansen is also conducting applied research, mainly evaluations of development aid and democracy support.
Mobile phone: +47 932 66 043
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
International politics Comparative politics
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Accommodation of Regional Diversity in Ukraine (ARDU)
ARDU's main goal is to produce knowledge of how ethnicity, language and regional-local identity work in the context of political reform in Ukraine.
Cosmopolitan Turn and Democratic Sentiments (CONSENT)
CONSENT is a large bilateral project between Norway and Romania. The main objective is to investigate empirically, both in Romania and Norway, to what extent the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is considered to be relevant when developing politics and law.
Critical perspectives on work integration of immigrants
The project focuses on how work inclusion may improve the social inclusion of migrants within comparative urban settings.
Evaluation of the EWC’s Schools for Democracy programme in Ukraine
The Project aims to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the EWC’s Schools for Democracy programme in Ukraine (2021-2024).
Replay or renew? Learning from 20+ years of Norwegian-Russian collaboration on health and social welfare in the Barents region (RE:BARENTS)
RE:BARENTS will examine the impact of Norwegian–Russian collaboration on health and social welfare in the Barents region since 2000.
Response to Climate Change in Banská Bystrica City, Slovakia
A project about preparing the Slovak city Banská Bystrica's action plan for climate action.
Russian policies of influence in the populist-pragmatic nexus
The main goal of the project is to provide new knowledge about how Russia pursues its interests vis-à-vis Norway and other European countries, in particular how the interaction between domestic politics in Russia and domestic actors in Russia's European neighboring countries shapes Russia's actions.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Holm-Hansen, Jørn
Aasland, Aadne
"Cross-Border Cooperation Against the Odds? Russian and Norwegian Grassroots Organizations in a Changed Geopolitical Environment".
Journal of Northern Studies.
Vol. 16.
Holm-Hansen, Jørn
"Den belarusiske autoritarismens seiglivethet og debatten om lokalforvaltningen".
Nordisk Østforum.
Vol. 37.
Holm-Hansen, Jørn (2023). "Eurasianisme som legitimering av en russisk innflytelsessfære". Vardøger. Vol. 40.
Holm-Hansen, Jørn
Norsk russlandspolitikk under Søreide.
10 p.
Internasjonal Politikk.
Vol. 81.
Myhre, Marthe Handå
Aasland, Aadne
Holm-Hansen, Jørn
‘Crimea will forever be Russian’: dissenting Norwegian media discourses on Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
24 p.
European Politics and Society.
Holm-Hansen, Jørn ; Kropp, Sabine (2022). "Regional’ne riznomattiia Ukrainy: Chy mozhliva federalizatsiia?". The Ideology and Politics Journal. Vol. 3.
Lytovchenko, Artëm; Yashkina, Dar'ia; Boiko, Dmytro; Holm-Hansen, Jørn (2022). "Diskurs pomirkovanosti ta zgurtovanosti yak efektyvnyi elektoral’nyi instrument: “Sluga Narodu” pid chas ukrainskoi parlaments’koi kampanii 2019 roku". The Ideology and Politics Journal. Vol. 3.
Holm-Hansen, Jørn
; Sadykov, Radik
Reforming Housing and Utilities Services in Russia: Obstacles to Making Residents and Agencies Play by the New Rules.
25 p.
Europe-Asia Studies.
Kropp, Sabine;
Holm-Hansen, Jørn
Why No Federalism? The Challenges of Institutionalizing a Multilevel Order in Ukraine.
Keil, Soeren; Kropp, Sabine (Ed.).
Emerging Federal Structures in the Post-Cold War Era. p. 95-114.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Lytovchenko, Artëm; Boiko, Dmitryi; Yashkina, Daria;
Holm-Hansen, Jørn
The Discourse of Moderation and Cohesion as an Effective Electoral Tool: Sluha Narodu in Ukraine’s 2019 Parliamentary Campaign.
Aasland, Aadne; Kropp, Sabine (Ed.).
The Accommodation of Regional and Ethno-cultural Diversity in Ukraine. p. 111-141.
Palgrave Macmillan.