Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Regulated Occupations: Mobility, Qualification and Labour Market Outcomes (RECONNECT)
RECONNECT provides new knowledge on the consequences of occupational regulation for labor mobility and immigrants’ opportunity to integrate with their occupation of training.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Nortvedt, Line
Gillespie, Astrid
Dahl, Kari
Drange, Ida
‘Open Sesame’: Skilled Immigrants’ Experiences with Bridging Programmes in the Validation Process in Norway.
Teräs, Marianne; Osman, Ali; Eliasson, Eva (Ed.).
Migration, Education and Employment.
Pathways to Successful Integration. p. 155-178.
Dahl, Kari
Nortvedt, Line
; Schröder, Judith;
Bjørnnes, Ann Kristin
Internationally educated nurses and resilience: A systematic literature review.
10 p.
International Nursing Review.
Vol. 69.
Nortvedt, Line
Dahl, Kari
En kronglete vei til autorisasjon som sykepleier i kommunehelsetjenesten.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.
Vol. 8.
Dahl, Kari
Bjørnnes, Ann Kristin
Lohne, Vibeke
Nortvedt, Line
Motivation, Education, and Expectations: Experiences of Philippine Immigrant Nurses.
Sage Open.
Vol. 11.
Nortvedt, Line
Lohne, Vibeke
Dahl, Kari
A courageous journey:Experiences of migrant Philippine nurses in Norway.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).
Vol. 29.
Dahl, Kari
Lohne, Vibeke
Nortvedt, Line
"Helsevesenet trenger vår kompetanse-hvorfor ikke bruke den?"En kvalitativ studie av filippinske sykepleieres opplevelse av veien til autorisasjon i Norge.
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning.
Dahl, Kari (2018). Sykepleiere fra land utenfor EU/EØS og deres møte med Helse-Norge. Debesay, Jonas; Tschudi-Madsen, Christine (Ed.). Migrasjon, helse og profesjon. p. 194-209. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Dahl, Kari
; Dahlen, Kirsti Jæger;
Larsen, Kristian
Lohne, Vibeke
Conscientious and proud but challenged as a stranger: Immigrant nurses perception and description of the Norwegian healthcare system.
8 p.
he Nordic Journal of Nursing Research (NJNR).
Vol. 37.
Dahl, Kari ; Skaug, Eli-Anne (2011). Kliniske vurderingsprosesser og dokumentasjon av sykepleie. Kristoffersen, Nina M.J.; Nortvedt, Finn; Skaug, Eli-Anne (Ed.). Grunnleggende behov. p. 15-60. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Dahl, Kari ; Julnes, Signe Gunn; Vatne, Solfrid (2008). Den glemte anamnesen ... er det samsvar mellom pasientens opplevelse av egen helse og sykepleierens dokumentsjon i den elektroniske pasientjournalen?. 12 p. Norsk tidsskrift for sykepleieforskning. Vol. 10.