Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Social sciences Other information technology Information and communication technology
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Ådland, Marit Kristine
Preminger, Michael
Massey, David
Hoff, Karoline
Husevåg, Anne-Stine Ruud
Subject Cataloging by Norwegian Cataloging Agencies.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.
Preminger, Michael
; Rype, Ingebjørg;
Ådland, Marit Kristine
Massey, David
Tallerås, Kim
The Public Library Metadata Landscape, the Case of Norway 2017–2018.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.
Dabin, Emanuelle;
Preminger, Michael
Discovery Systems as an Alternative to Stand-Alone Databases. The Example of Primo at BI Norwegian Business School.
Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, NORIL.
Vol. 10.
Preminger, Michael ; Fludal, Gjertrud (2016). OAUC at CLEF2016 SBS Lab: Using appeal elements to improve automatic book recommendation-proof of concept. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 1609.
Hoff, Karoline
Preminger, Michael
Usability testing of an annotation tool in a cultural heritage context.
12 p.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS).
Vol. 544.
Fugleberg, Joachim;
Preminger, Michael
OAUC's participation in the CLEF2015 SBS
Search Suggestion Track.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Vol. 1391.
Tallerås, Kim
Massey, David
Husevåg, Anne-Stine Ruud
Preminger, Michael
Pharo, Nils
Evaluating (linked) metadata transformations across cultural heritage domains.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS).
Holgersen, Ragnhild;
Preminger, Michael
Massey, David
Using Semantic Web Technologies to Collaboratively Collect and Share User-Generated Content in Order to Enrich the Presentation of Bibliographic Records.
Code4Lib Journal.
Preminger, Michael
; Nordlie, Ragnar
OUC's participation in the 2010 INEX Book Track.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Vol. 6932.
Preminger, Michael
; Nordlie, Ragnar
OUC's Participation in the 2011 INEX Book Track.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).