Norwegian version
Steen Ory Bendtzen

Steen Ory Bendtzen


I am a design historian with my work background a.o. from Museum of Applied Art in Oslo and Public Art Norway. I teach design history and design theory and I am also International Coordinator from the academic staff.

Publications and research


Bendtzen, Steen Ory ; Pia, Henriksen (2017). Department of produktdesign - Institutt for produkdesign: 1917-2017. ISBN: 978-82-8364-058-8. 293 p. Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus.

Yvenes, Marianne; Gaustad, Randi; Borges, Grethe; Bendtzen, Steen Ory (2008). Et PLUS i norsk designhistorie. Brukskunstorganisasjonene PLUS 1958-1978. 140 p. Nasjonalmuseet.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete