English version
Ann Merete Otterstad

Ann Merete Otterstad



Barnehagepedagogikk   Poststrukturelle tilnærminger   New material theories

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Skoglund, Tonje; Lerbak, Kari; Otterstad, Ann Merete (2023). Vad kan en barnbok bli som forskningsmaterial i förskollärarutbildningen?. Andersen, Camilla Eline; Aronsson, Lena; Taguchi, Hillevi Lenz (Red.). s. 107-122. Gleerups Utbildning AB.

Lerbak, Kari; Skoglund, Tonje; Otterstad, Ann Merete (2022). Å gjøre «hørestyrke» til en mindre fortelling om barns språk. Nordisk barnehageforskning. Vol. 19.

Waterhouse, Ann-Hege Lorvik; Otterstad, Ann Merete ; Boucher, Kelly (2022). “Jeg skal sjekke”: Urban buggy-wayfaring and adventurous lines with data-ing and reconfigurations of children<sup>1</sup>. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. Vol. 23.

Otterstad, Ann Merete ; Dahlberg, Gunilla (2022). Early Childhood Pedagogues, Thresholds, Feminisms and New Materialism. Langford, Rachel; Richardson, Brooke (Red.). THE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR Chritical Conversation in Feminist Theory. s. 175-190. Bloomsbury Academic.

Osgood, Jayne; Andersen, Camilla Eline ; Otterstad, Ann Merete (2022). Portal-time and wanderlines: What does virusing-with make possible in childhood research?. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology (RERM). Vol. 13.

Otterstad, Ann Merete ; Elmenhorst, Constanse (2021). The Norwegian #barnehageopprør2016 (the 2016 kindergarten riots): Renewed acts of political and professional minor gestures. Yelland, Nicola J.; Peters, Lacey; Fairchild, Nikki; Tesar, Marek; Pérez, Michelle S. (Red.). The SAGE Handbook of Global Childhoods. Sage Publications.

Osgood, Jayne; Taylor, Carol A.; Andersen, Camilla Eline ; Benozzo, Angelo; Carey, Neil; Elmenhorst, Constanse; Fairchild, Nikki; Koro-Ljungberg , Mirka; Moxnes, Anna Rigmor; Otterstad, Ann Merete ; Rantala, Teija; Tobias-Green, Karen (2020). Conferencing otherwise: A feminist new materialist writing experiment. 20 s. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies. Vol. 20.

Johansson, Lotta ; Otterstad, Ann Merete (2019). Barnehagehverdager - bevegelser, utfordringer og muliggjøringer. Johansson, Lotta; Otterstad, Ann Merete (Red.). Hverdagsøyeblikkets dirrende kraft. Posthumane teorier i barnehagen. s. 9-21. Universitetsforlaget.

Johansson, Lotta ; Otterstad, Ann Merete (2019). Hverdagsøyeblikkets dirrende kraft. Posthumane teorier i barnehagen. ISBN: 978-82-15-03242-9. 148 s. Universitetsforlaget.

Otterstad, Ann Merete ; Waterhouse, Ann Hege Lorvik (2018). Touchicizing Posthuman Digital-Artistic-Assemblages of Child/ren/hood(s) Exposuring(s) in the Making …. Knight, Linda; Lasczik Cutcher, Alexandra (Red.). Arts-Research-Education. Connections and Directions.. s. 103-121. Springer.

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