English version
Fredrik Thue

Fredrik Thue



Annen historie   Samtidshistorie (etter 1945)


Vitenskapshistorie   Universitetshistorie   Samfunnsvitenskapenes historie   Profesjonshistorie


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Mausethagen, Sølvi ; Bøyum, Steinar; Caspersen, Joakim; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Thue, Fredrik (2023). Forskningens rolle i skole og lærerutdanning. Mausethagen, Sølvi; Bøyum, Steinar; Caspersen, Joakim; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Thue, Fredrik (Red.). En forskningsbasert skole? Forskningens plass i lærerutdanning og skole. s. 9-27. Universitetsforlaget.

Mausethagen, Sølvi ; Bøyum, Steinar; Caspersen, Joakim; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Thue, Fredrik (2023). En forskningsbasert skole? Forskningens plass i lærerutdanning og skole. ISBN: 9788215065540. 307 s. Universitetsforlaget.

Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (2022). Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model. Comparative and Historical Perspectives. ISBN: 9781003082514. 260 s. Routledge.

Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (2022). Introduction: of myths and models – the unity and diversity of Nordic educational cultures. Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt (Red.). Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and historical perspectives. s. 1-22. Routledge.

Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (2022). Conclusion Schoolteachers and the Nordic model. Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt (Red.). Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and historical perspectives. s. 229-239. Routledge.

Larsen, Lars Erik ; Thue, Fredrik W. (2021). Elitist tradition and democratic reform: Norwegian and Danish upper-secondary teacher cultures in transition, 1960-1994. Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (Red.). Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. s. 173-189. Routledge.

Thue, Fredrik W. (2021). Preaching and teaching: the religious origins of Nordic teacher cultures. Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (Red.). Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. s. 51-67. Routledge.

Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt; Schulte, Barbara; Thue, Fredrik W. (2021). Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. ISBN: 978-0-367-53585-8. 245 s. Routledge.

Thue, Fredrik W. (2020). Lærerrollen og den pastorale maktens demokratisering. Uddannelseshistorie : årbog fra Selskabet for Dansk Skolehistorie. Vol. 54.

Thue, Fredrik W. (2020). Lutheranism from Above and from Below: "Pastoral Professionals" and Trust within the Nordic State/Society Nexus. Journal of Historical Sociology. Vol. 33.

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