English version
Victoria Telle Hjellset

Victoria Telle Hjellset


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Valla, Lisbeth ; Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova ; Sparboe-Nilsen, Bente (2023). Quality of life and associated factors among Norwegian public health nurse students during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE. Vol. 18.

Henjum, Sigrun ; Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Andersen, Eivind; Flåten, Merethe Øyaland; Morseth, Marianne (2022). Developing a risk score for undiagnosed prediabetes or type 2 diabetes among Saharawi refugees in Algeria. 9 s. BMC Public Health. Vol. 22.

Andersen, Eivind; Kjellså, Idun; Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Henjum, Sigrun (2021). Insufficient physical activity level among Sahrawi adults living in a protracted refugee setting. BMC Public Health. Vol. 21.

Henjum, Sigrun ; Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Kjøllesdal, Marte Karoline Råberg; Flaaten, Merethe Øyaland; Morseth, Marianne S. ; Andersen, Eivind (2020). Prevalence of type 2 diabetes and associated risk factors among Saharawi refugees in Algeria. European Journal of Public Health. Vol. 30.

Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Ihlebæk, Camilla (2020). Modern health worries in Pakistani immigrant women in Oslo, Norway. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Vol. 75.

Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Ihlebæk, Camilla (2018). Bidimensional Acculturation and Psychological Distress in Pakistani Immigrant Women in Norway: A Cross-Sectional Study. 7 s. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Vol. 21.

Kigen, Kaja Marie; Råberg Kjøllesdal, Marte Karoline; Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Bjørge, Benedikte; Holmboe-Ottesen, Gerd; Wandel, Margareta (2014). Maintenance of changes in food intake and motivation for healthy eating among Norwegian-Pakistani women participating in a culturally adapted intervention. 10 s. Public Health Nutrition (PHN). Vol. 16.

Parfentyeva, Ekaterina; Saha, Sarama; Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Kopprasch, Steffi; Schwarz, Peter EH (2014). Assessment of small C-fiber status for screening of oxidative stress in patients at risk of diabetes. Hormone and Metabolic Research. Vol. 46.

Müller, G.; Olschewaski, J; Stange, T; Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Bornstein, S; Schwarz, PEH (2014). Non-invasive Screening of Diabetes Risk by Assessing Abnormalities of Sudomotor Function. 4 s. Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes. Vol. 123.

Bhowmik, Bishwajit; Hjellset, Victoria Telle ; Hussain, Akhtar (2013). Global migration and prevention of diabetes. Schwarz, Peter E H; Reddy, Prasuna (Red.). Prevention of Diabetes. s. 94-113. John Wiley & Sons.

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