English version
Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal

Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Leick, Birgit; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen ; Aldogan Eklund, Mehtap (2024). Complement or competition? Airbnb-based tourism and local housing markets in four Norwegian cities. Kock, Florian; Lindgreen, Adam; Markovic, Stefan (Red.). Research Handbook on Tourism, Complexity and Uncertainty. s. 190-207. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen (2023). Long run non-linearity in CO2 emissions: the I(2) cointegration model and the environmental Kuznets curve. Empirica. Vol. 50.

Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen (2023). Evaluating DSGE Models: From Calibration to Cointegration. Sloboda, Brian (Red.). Econometrics - Recent Advances and Applications. IntechOpen.

Anundsen, André Kallåk ; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen ; Røed Larsen, Erling ; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (2022). Behavioral changes in the housing market before and after the Covid-19 lockdown. 13 s. Journal of Housing Economics. Vol. 59.

Leick, Birgit; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen ; Eklund, Mehtap; Vinogradov, Evgueni (2021). Exploring the relationship between Airbnb and traditional accommodation for regional variations of tourism markets. 22 s. Tourism Economics. Vol. 28.

Leick, Birgit; Schewe, Theo; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen (2020). Tourism development and border asymmetries: An exploratory analysis of market-driven cross-border shopping tourism. 27 s. Tourism Planning & Development. Vol. 18.

Leick, Birgit; Eklund, Mehtap; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen (2020). Digital entrepreneurs in the sharing economy: A case study on Airbnb and regional economic development in Norway. Strømmen-Bakhtiar, Abbas; Vinogradov, Evgueni (Red.). The impact of the sharing economy on business and society : digital transformation and the rise of platform businesses. s. 69-88. Routledge.

Vinogradov, Evgueni; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen ; Leick, Birgit (2020). An agent-based modelling approach to housing market regulations and Airbnb-induced tourism. Tourism Management. Vol. 77.

Røed Larsen, Erling ; Anundsen, André Kallåk ; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen ; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (2020). Behavioral changes and policy effects during Covid-19: Evidence from day-by-day sales and bid-by-bid auction logs in the housing market, (with André K. Anundsen, Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal, and Leif Anders Thorsrud. Housing Lab Working Paper Series 2020-3. Housing Lab Working Paper Series. Vol. 2020.

Borgersen, Trond Arne; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen (2019). Igangsetting og boligprisvekst. Er effekten symmetrisk mellom boligmarkedssegmenter?. Praktisk økonomi & finans. Vol. 35.

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