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PhD fellowship position in Journalism and Media Studies

OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet er Norges tredje største universitet med nesten 22 000 studenter og over 2500 ansatte. Vi har campus i Oslo sentrum og på Romerike. OsloMet leverer forskning og utdanning med høy relevans for arbeidslivet, velferdsstaten og storbyregionen.

Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap tilbyr utdanninger på alle gradsnivåer, samt årsstudier, videreutdanninger og oppdragsundervisning. Fakultetet har et aktivt forskningsmiljø. Det er om lag 280 tilsatte og rundt 4400 studenter knyttet til fakultetet, som holder til i Pilestredet i Oslo sentrum.

Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag har om lag 530 studenter og 30 faglig tilsatte. Vi holder til i Pilestredet 48, Eva Balkes Hus. Instituttet tilbyr bachelorstudier i fotojournalistikk, journalistikk samt medier og kommunikasjon, I tillegg tilbyr vi et fagforfatterstudium (årsstudium) og et masterstudium i journalistikk.

Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Journalism and Media Studies has two 3-year fixed-term positions available as a Research fellow in journalism and media studies, which is a field of study under the PhD program in social sciences.

The field of study currently has 8 scholarship holders.

Area of research

The development of artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing, and data-driven algorithms are changing individual lives, industries, and societies at large. Creative practices and industries, such as the media, are particularly impacted. Synthetic media and generative AI have the capacity to produce new forms of image, sound, and language, as well as new ways of collecting and handling large amounts of data. In journalism, AI influences everything from the way journalists understand and retrieve their sources, produce and publish their stories, and how they interact with their audiences. Ultimately, AI is changing the media industries themselves. This situation calls for deeper insight into a multitude of practical and theoretical challenges, opportunities, and dilemmas.

Candidates are invited to explore issues related to AI and the media. The suggested project should be designed to align with the existing research interest and expertise of one of the department’s research groups:

Digital Journalism

Media Narration Group (MNG)

Media, Environment and Society

Media, War and Conflict

Media Practice

The suggested project should identify the project’s contribution to the intended group.

Please note:  Only one research group may be chosen.

Successful candidates will be supervised by an experienced researcher from the department, who possesses the relevant expertise and a complementary research profile that aligns with the candidate's research interests.

Main duties of the position

The PhD project must be designed and carried out in a way that contributes significantly to the chosen research group of which the successful candidate will be a part. Applicants must prepare a project outline with:

Qualification requirements

Admission to the Faculty PhD-program is a condition for acceptance to this fellowship position. A final plan for a PhD-education is to be approved and agreed upon – at the latest - three months after accession

Desired qualifications

It is important to OsloMet to reflect the population of our region, and all qualified candidates are welcome to apply. We make active endeavours to further develop OsloMet as an inclusive workplace and to make adaptations to the workplace where required. You are also welcome to apply for a position with us if you have had periods where you have not been in employment, education or training.

Project outline

The project outline must be a maximum of 10 pages and must contain:

Applicants must prepare a project outline according to a template available here: template for project outlines 

In the assessment of applicants, particular emphasis will be placed on basic qualifications (grades, professional qualifications and previous experience) and the submitted project description. The description must be at a professional level that makes it likely that the project will lead to a doctorate within a three-year period.

Expert evaluation

An expert committee will assess applicants. You must upload the following documents together with your application by the final date for applications:

You must upload all of these documents for the application to be valid. Certificates and publications must be in English or a Scandinavian language. Translations must be authorized.

Original documents and a valid passport must be presented if you are invited for an interview. OsloMet performs document inspections in order to give you as a candidate a proper evaluation and ensure fair competition.

The application letter must state your reasons for applying to the project and your qualifications to carry out this PhD work.

If we receive more than 20 qualified applicants for the position, a committee will be established to screen out the most qualified applicants before an expert committee assesses the applicants.

Please note:  Incomplete applications will not be considered.

 We can offer you

Practical information about relocation to Oslo and living in Norway

Other information

If you would like more information about the position, feel free to contact:

Head of Department, Anne Hege Simonsen, tlf. +47 67 23 83 22/+47 91 14 59 37,

email: anne.hege.simonsen@oslomet.no

Professor Steen Steensen, tlf +47 67 23 83 18/+47 90 91 99 77

email: steen.steensen@oslomet.no

 The salary for the position is in accordance with the pay scale for Norwegian state employees, Ph.D. fellow, position code 1017.  State salary wage scale 54, 532 200 NOK per year.

The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants, and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment to OsloMet.

OsloMet has adhered to the principles in the DORA declaration (sfdora.org/read/) and obliged the institution to follow the recommendations in this declaration.

If you would like to apply for the position, you must do so electronically through our recruitment system.

If you have documents that cannot be uploaded electronically, please contact Hanne Landen, hanne.landen@oslomet.no

Deadline for applications: 24.05.2024

Ref.: 24/10303

OsloMet er Charter & Code sertifisert av EU-kommisjonen med rettigheter til å bruke logoen HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) og medlem i nettverket EURAXESS som bidrar til gode arbeidsforhold for mobile forskere.

OsloMet har sluttet seg til prinsippene og forpliktet institusjonen til å følge anbefalingene i DORA-erklæringen (sfdora.org) (The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment).

Ansettelsen blir gjennomført etter prinsippene i statsansatteloven og lovverk som regulerer eksport av kunnskap, teknologi og tjenester. Søkere som er i konflikt med dette regelverket vil ikke anses kvalifisert for stillingen.

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